Sentences with phrase «things someone told someone»

That's always the first thing I tell people who ask me for tips (followed closely by food).
These pieces are always chic and in season and are the first thing I tell people to buy when they ask about closet staples.
It's exactly the same thing I tell authors: You need to make your book attractive by matching what your audience wants and is looking for.
The single most important thing I tell people is that content is simply, EVERYTHING.
There are dozens of other things I tell teens to ease them through these difficult, tumultuous years.
The only thing he tells the reader is what his keyword was.
Here we go again doing things we told you earlier not to do, and that's name your child after a fictional television or movie character.
It felt like such a moral breach to gossip about things told in such confidence.
The main thing we tell guys who want to know how to do sex dating is that they need to stand out.
The first thing I tell new parents is to not be overwhelmed by trying to start cloth diapers right away.
One of the first things I tell clients who come to visit with me for the first time is that they have nothing to be afraid of.
He knows the stories things tell or the ideas they express.
How would you feel if they forgot basic things you told them?
The first thing we tell students entering school is to turn off anything that has an on - or - off switch.
The first thing I tell authors who tell me they want to publish a print book is that print should be their secondary focus.
It may be subconscious, but having those particular things tells my mind that I'm in business mode.
«One big thing I tell the franchisees is you're in business for yourself, not by yourself,» he says.
Even if you don't plan on implementing things they tell you to do or how you should plan, you should still ask them to come discuss and plan about your next trip.
Very Bad Things tells the tale of a bachelor party that goes horribly wrong.
It's one of the first things I tell sellers to discard.
These tiny and inexpensive things tell me I have been thought about.
There are hundreds of things telling us to «get over it», to «think positively», or to «let it go».
One of the most important things she told me is that while nursing is natural, it is also a skill that needs to be learned, kind of like driving a car.
Most of my bags are black so other thing I told myself is that I can't get another bag in black.
The first thing I tell people is to take a deep breath.
My wife is a dietitian, and one of the first things she tells new clients to do is to keep a journal of everything they eat for a few days.
The first thing he told me to do was spend 70 percent of my time selling; I thought he was crazy.
«The key thing I tell everyone is never spend money for the sake of earning points.
Good thing I told all the groomsmen to check shirt sizes before because 8 of 10 were all small and had to be exchanged.
One of things I tell kids when I'm speaking is that being small doesn't preclude being brave.
A common thing I tell young people who have found themselves crossing boundaries they never thought they would cross, is to «Put the line down where it hurts.»
The most common thing I tell parents of children of all ages is that there is no one right way, nobody really knows what they are doing 100 %, and all parents muddle through with a lot of trial and error.
Absurd Accident arrives a couple decades after that influx of Tarantino - inspired movies with time - bending narratives and crime - based plots, with a series of interconnecting characters and stories — the whole thing told with an edge of dark humor.
Diet and certain things told in this post help and take you in the right direction, but the finishing touch is the workout.
(And if you read my work regularly, you know that there are very few things I tell people they «should» do.)
It's a problem, and I love all my luxury belongings, but there are certain things I tell myself to convince myself I need certain......
PEOPLE PLACES THINGS tells the story of Will Henry (Jemaine Clement), a newly single graphic novelist father balancing single - parenting his young twin daughters, writers block, a classroom full students, all the while exploring and navigating the rich complexities of new love and letting go of the woman who left him.
arrives a couple decades after that influx of Tarantino - inspired movies with time - bending narratives and crime - based plots, with a series of interconnecting characters and stories — the whole thing told with an edge of dark humor.
The two most important things I tell parents about using a sling are: 1) if the baby's bottom is below your belly button, the sling is too low and your back will hurt; 2) each time you put the baby in the sling, you will need to walk around until the baby settles in.
But I would imagine that some of that discipline would still bubble through because the guys I have spoken too about such things tell me that the discipline can help keep you alive when the bullets start flying.
I pray often to have love for my fellow man and all that is around me, and I don't need a person with his own agenda or slant on things telling me how to profess that love.
I had another publisher, also amenable to Pentecostal and charismatic things tell me (exact quote): «We do not care if it is true, correct, or needed.
As we talked with Shereen, who runs a ministry to displaced single moms, I thought of the last thing I told my theology students in our session on Providence:
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