Sentences with phrase «think biblical teaching»

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I believe biblical teaching and Christian discipleship do have important implications for the way we think about and do politics.
I'm looking to eventually teach theology, but in between my personal studies, an obsessive reading habit, and spending far too much money on coffee, I started a blog called New Ways Forward as an outlet for some of my random thoughts and a way to interact with others who share a passion for theology, Biblical studies, and social justice.
I think this Franciscan teaching may hold a useful key to biblical interpretation that helps us put our subjective experiences and religious formation in perspective:
It was Plato who taught us to contrast time and eternity, although such an antithesis is alien to biblical thought.21 The result is that our spirituality has been infected with the Greek dichotomy between time and eternity.
But to claim some biblical justification for something so directly contrary to the teaching of Christ is (I think I have said this before) a perversion of the text.
I think the church would be better served if it taught on Biblical leadership.
Hum, just thinking, maybe he does not teach his folks to put into practice biblical love, mercy, grace, helps, etc..
My constant purpose was and is to adumbrate on every subject I handle a genuinely canonical interpretation of Scripture - a view that in its coherence embraces and expresses the thrust of all the biblical passages and units of thought that bear on my theme - a total, integrated view built out of biblical material in such a way that, if the writers of the various books knew what I had made of what they taught, they would nod their heads and say that I had got them right.
All these scriptures / Biblical teachings created a problem for me as over the years when I would experience psychotic symptoms and psychic phenomena as a result of intense / deep prayer and meditation, I actually thought that God was trying to show me a sign or tell me something or he was leading me in a particular direction.
Alfred Edersheim, a Biblical scholar and historian, thinks that Levi followed Jesus about and taxed the crowds that came to hear Jesus teach.
If we can respectfully acknowledge that a majority of todays» generation of believers are taught into the faith by their parents, we reluctantly must conclude that the theology base of * a lot * of these believers is not upon careful reflection and personal choice upon the fervent divulgence of the Scriptures, but rather a hodge - podge compilation of «feel good» thoughts that have no biblical or moral grounding other than vague references.
i think this should be a cultural issue in some places not a biblical doctrine for woman not to pastor / teach.
I definitely think that a lot of Creeds and Doctrinal statements begin with Biblical teaching.
I read this article by charisma magazine which i thought was well written which is pro Women preaching This debate is an on going one John Piper who i respect as a bible preacher believes that scripture is clear women shouldnt have authority over men or teach in the church some go as far as saying women shouldnt preach in sunday school if the classes are mixed.Personally i think times are changing and i say that because i have a women manager she has authority over me and other men so if we follow the biblical example i shouldnt allow myself to be in that situation which is just crazy thinking.
I guess my meaning was that where they may BEGIN in sound Biblical teaching, we humans tend to take our personal view point, wrap it up in a blanket statement, and then find people who think the same and huddle up.
First, I think there might be more of a biblical basis for expository preaching and teaching than most imagine.
Why anyone would think Hitler was a person that should be quoted in any sort of positive way to support - or - contrast Biblical teachings for parents and children is beyond me.
I think that these scriptures do clearly portray the Biblical teaching about redemption.
She needs to mold her thinking to be in line with Biblical teachings, if in fact she is a pastor.
N. T. Wright puts what I'm trying to say succinctly when he argues that the entire burden of the Pauline letters is to teach new Christians to «think within the biblical narrative, to see themselves as actors within the ongoing scriptural drama: to allow their erstwhile pagan thought - forms to be transformed by a biblically based renewal of the mind» (emphasis added).
However, by the end of these posts you will hopefully understand why I believe what I believe about biblical illiteracy and why I still think I should be writing and teaching about Scripture and theology on this website and through my podcast.
It's written by a Christian pastor and his wife, so I'd say it's definitely best to read if you're also Christian and / or related to biblical teachings, but I think a lot of the ideas + principles are applicable across the board.
We are unafraid to question traditional church teaching; we value contemporary thought and recent biblical understanding.
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