Sentences with phrase «think federal reserve»

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Federal reserve will not notch them rates until next year (this is consensus, i think), additionally they are only targeting short term rates, not long term rates, we could end up with a flatter yield curve, meaning short term rates equal long term rates.
WILLIAM DUDLEY, NEW YORK FEDERAL RESERVE PRESIDENT: I do n`t think we know exactly how many more rate hikes we «re going to do this year.
I think there's increasing concern that the federal reserve has actually waited too long to raise short - term interest rates.
The main reserves are held at Fort Knox but there is even more gold, mostly owned by other countries, stored in the basement of the New York Federal Reserve Bank (Think Die Hard 3).
Until the release of two recent Supreme Court of Canada decisions (made after CEAA 2012 was enacted), it also might have been thought that section 35 decisions concerning Aboriginal and treaty rights were connected to the content of the power over Indians and lands reserved for Indians contained in section 91 (24) and, thus, Federal in nature.
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