Sentences with phrase «think precious is»

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To Olympic memorabilia market experts, such as Ingrid O'Neil, a California - based auctioneer who specializes in such memorabilia, metal is the furthest thing from their mind when thinking about how to value a precious winner's medal.
For many women, even spending that precious, limited free time in a dressing room to find enough different combinations to wear to work is both exhausting and unappealing — a thought that hasn't made a large enough impact on retail, yet.
It's Facebook's turn this week, leaders think, and next week it could be us — but there's precious little we can do in a crisis except to keep our heads down and wait until public attention moves on to someone else.
«You get affected by things that happen around the world or whatever, a lot more I think as a father, just because you realize how precious life is, and it puts it all in perspective, you know, the idea of not being around to see your children grow up,» he added.
Those memories are precious, but I wouldn't have them, and neither would Kent, if we had decided to hang out only with students who thought the same way we did.
Having time to think is precious to me and it's also incredibly important if you want to achieve anything close to original thought.
Think of Bitcoin, they say, as digital gold — a so - called «store of value» that, like the precious metal itself, doesn't need to have a lot of practical uses to be worth a lot of money.
Timothy Chan, an assistant professor of industrial engineering at the University of Toronto, thinks there is a better way for the NHL to pick its most precious assets.
A tulip of the species called Admiral Liefken, weighing 400 perits, was worth 4400 florins; an Admiral Van der Eyck, weighing 446 perits, was worth 1260 florins; a Childer of 106 perits was worth 1615 florins; a Viceroy of 400 perits, 3000 florins, and, most precious of all, a Semper Augustus, weighing 200 perits, was thought to be very cheap at 5500 florins.
He says he's followed the gold market ever since that pivotal day and recommends that everyone should have at least some allocation to precious metals: «I think if you don't own some gold in your portfolio now, you either don't understand history, or you don't want to understand history.»
I think it's great you are a stay at home mom and there's no need to justify it as it is a precious job that takes a lot of time.
Presumably with the way in which the Abra smart contracts work mean that in future you might be able to transfer to other stores of value (thinking specifically of precious metals such as gold or silver) in order to hedge both crypto and fiat currency risk?
With a more levelheaded approach to precious metal investing than the traditional «gold bug,» Luke Burgess has proven that rational thinking in a largely emotional market can be incredibly profitable.
If you think it is likely that you would take delivery in the US, you should probably store most of your precious metals here.
I think it's a very careless time for equity and bond investors from a longer term perspective whereas those of us who are Austrian have a bend for the idea of real money, sound money, and one of the things that looks pretty attractive in a Ponzi finance global macroeconomic backdrop would be precious metals I would say.
Crude oil prices are clearly trading above their 20 and 100 - day moving average as this has now become one of the strongest trends in 2018 as I think this will start to support the precious metals and the agricultural market down the road.
I think the Trump tariffs are pushing up the precious metals at this time as they are used as a flight to quality and if you have read any of my previous blogs you understand that I think historically speaking silver is very cheap.
You sound psychotic... dude be happy you and your family got to live long lives and stop opperssing yourself... how do you not go crazy laying awake in bed thinking you have wasted even a minute of your precious life giving it to some false diety?
I think that for an atheist, unlike what many religious people seem to believe about them, life would be so very precious.
I also think many well meaning Christians are often distracted by a few social issues (things that I believe are personal and have more to do with our precious American freedoms than religion) and lose site of the larger picture.
I am proud of my bruises and my scars, of my wounds and my failures now — I think they're precious to Jesus and so they are precious to me.
And from the church goers I know, precious thoughts are few and far between.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, [a] God!
But your kids are far more precious than what anyone in your «social circle» thinks of their behavior.
In theBCP we pray...» we confess that we have sinned in thought, word and deed by what we have done and those things we have left undone...... later «we thank thee for thy Precious Body and Blood that by these mysteries we are assured we are living members of the body of your Son so that we may go forth t by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit let us go forth into the world to love and serve you amen.
Thinking that you are always right and everyone else is wrong will indeed hurt your ability to interact with and love on your neighbors — but don't blame a wrong spirit on theology; there is precious little possibility that you could think and feel like that about yourself when it comes to theology and NOT think and feel like that in pretty much all situations with other folks.
It is a long story, but I think the beginning lies in a justice that makes the goodness of what these sinners have repudiated unmistakable and precious.
Well, I think that orthodox Christianity has had precious little cultural credibility for many years, and so there is probably no need to panic on that score.
Also, think about getting involved with some of the organizations and ministries around the country that are seeking to help rescue these young girls and show them how precious and valuable they truly are.
geez all this DRAMA, he was ASKED where he stood and he is so religious he does not open on Sundays so where did everyone think he stood, at least he is not a hypocrite and choses to close his business on Sundays (and lose that precious money) if I did not hate gays before, I sure could hate them now, bravo
A debate in which the thoughts are not expressed in the way in which they existed in the mind but in the speaking are so pointed that they may strike home in the sharpest way, and moreover without the men that are spoken to being regarded in any way present as persons; a conversation characterized by the need neither to communicate something, nor to learn something, nor to innuence someone, nor to come into connexion with someone, but solely by the desire to have one's own self - reliance confirmed by making the impression that is made, or if it has become unsteady to have it strengthened; a friendly chat in which each regards himself as absolute and legitimate and the other as relativized and questionable; a lovers» talk in which both partners alike enjoy their own glorious soul and their precious experience — what an underworld of faceless spectres of dialogue!
Maybe if you did believe (which I think there is something somewhere inside of your little soul of yours that does believe cause you wouldn't be here otherwise) you wouldn't be so hateful or your life wouldn't be so empty that you need to find a void filler by spending your precious time in this blog.
While «Why We Must Withdraw From Iraq» registers an opinion about what is happening and is likely to happen in Iraq, it has precious little to do with just - war thinking, rigorous or otherwise.
I think the gentlest people are the ones who have experienced tremendous brutality, have themselves become brutal, and then have been forced to lose some very precious things before understanding why God insists that we be soft and gentle with each other.
When the simple message of Jesus (loving God and loving others, often through simple caring actions), was transmuted into «faith» then I think we lost something precious.
You think someone who believes in hording gold and precious metals is going to know the best way to commit to charity?
I think God views the taking of someone else's life to be so precious that it can only be paid for with another life and I believe that is exactly what the bible teaches.
Well, we are so precious to Him that He died the way He died for us...... when you think of it that way, the word gem seems so paltry.
If you spend any time thinking about God, the Bible or other «holy» books, when the world will end, etc., you are just wasting your precious time.
Some change in my thinking on this as on other matters during the six years separating the two books can not be denied and perhaps is not to be apologized for; but critics have been mistaken if they have supposed that the authenticity and the unique quality of Jesus» humanity have ever become less precious to me than when I wrote the first book.
The question that Christians (or other religious people) should ask themselves here is philosophical rather than sociological: Granting (as I think we must) that modern science has given us new and often penetrating insights into reality and that modern technology has enormously increased our control over our lives, is it not possible that in the process some very precious things have been lost?
We are all conditioned to think that life is to be this frivolous, that we overlook life as being our major concern, and as being precious in this world.
Would you be offended or think it religious, or «Christianese», if someone said Bless you with in this manner: may our Father, The Great I AM, El Shaddai, Yahweh, Elohim, Adonai, Alpha and Omega, Jehovah Shalom, Raha, Tsidkenu, Jireh, Nissi, Mekoddishkem, Sabaoth, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Healer, Redeemer, and the precious Holy Spirit Bless you with every good and perfect gift.
As a kid, I devoured my New King James Precious Moments Bible and loved every illustration... except the one of Jacob and Rachel standing under a palm tree with hearts over their heads, because there was a boy in my Sunday school class named Jacob, and the thought of standing next to him under a palm tree with hearts over our heads made me blush.
Our friend Nato took his own life just weeks ago, and he's left behind not only some precious memories, but some pretty serious thinking as well.
With the powerful NRA in the states, and the precious «right to bear arms» you guys are up against it I think.
How precious... are His thoughts — His attention to the minutest details.
He was openly jealous of «the fine music and songs» and «precious melodies» that the Catholics got to use at masses for the dead, and thought it would «be a pity to let them perish.»
We muslims don't call our women: Bitches, hores... and the majority of muslim women actually have the choice to choose to wear the veil (if you go to a Catholic church women are asked to wear the veil... nuns are fully covered... even Marry the mother of Jesus used to cover and that is because these women know they are diamonds and you have to really deserve her to be able to see more and that is only gonna be her husband, and parents... If you have a precious and very expensive diamond in your possession don't tell me you would leave it outside of your house but you would leave your trash outside of your house... same thing with women especially and by the way this apply to men as well in Islam... A woman actually is the queen of her household, and when they are so aware of their status within her community, as more like a mother, she is committed to her husband, kids and parents exclusively... she is busy taking care of her loved ones and enjoys it and happy so why you ask her to show you her cleavage if she doesn't think you deserve her... Muslim women are not any different than all women, they only like to wear the veil and not show their beauty to you... what?
How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God!
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