Sentences with phrase «think about cat»

It was a terrible thing to lay in bed at night and think about this cat suffering for so many weeks in so much pain, and no one doing anything for her.
You need to think about your cat's quality of life, tolerance to being medicated and accepting fluids at home.
Now, think about the cat species for a moment, and consider how nature divides up the feline's lifestages.
I'm sure you don't think about cat breasts very often.
They may choose a veterinarian, save up for costs, think about cat insurance, and gather other cat care essentials.
Before looking for the BEST automatic litter box you must think about your cat, your home and price.
«A lot of people don't think about their cat's joint health because cats just don't express this need the same way as other species... cats are very unique, private animals — unlike a dog or a person, for example,» says Dana Ballard, marketing coordinator for Stephenville, Texas - based Response Products.
I still love my cat, but I haven't had so many thoughts about the cat shelter since I picked her up from it.
«Manufacturers are not only thinking about the cat's interaction with the litter box, but the pet parent's experience as well,» she explains.
This is not a clumping litter; CatSpot is a new way of thinking about cat litter, as Jeff explains HERE.
When I think about the cats that I have fostered over the years, it has usually been a senior pet that was not thriving in a shelter (or simply ran out of time).
If your cat is too heavy, do some serious thinking about your cat's eating habits and activity level.
When we think about cats we think about creatures that can spend the rest of the day lazing around, sleeping in their favorite nook, or doing what they do best which is technically nothing.
They are not thinking about the cats.
People other than just those of us at The AMC are thinking about cats and cat health too.
Since 1990 with the care of our first feral cat colony, Alley Cat Allies has fueled a small but powerful revolution in how people think about cats.
Since you are right now, chances are you think about cats and pets almost as much as we do!
In early 2015, PetSmart Charities conducted a nationwide survey * of 1,023 people to learn what they think about cats and cat owners.
The common thinking about cats is that their numbers are increasing and that there are tens of millions of outdoor cats, but it is very possible that the number of outdoor cats is falling.
Beginners especially can feel overwhelmed as they adjust to thinking about cat food in a whole new light.
Chris and Malissa also thought about their cat when designing the Tiny Tack House.
I kept thinking about the cat and checking to see if he was adopted but he was still there.

Not exact matches

A great way to think about this distinction is to recall the story from Alice In Wonderland where Alice reaches a crossroads where the Cheshire cat is sitting.
We might think that a chimpanzee is exercising free will when it chooses to chomp on a banana, or a cat when it rips up your sofa, but what about the roundworm called Caenorhabditis elegans — a simple creature made of only 959 cells?
(And while you might think I am trying to be funny with requests about toenails and sick cats, if you have been in many prayer meetings, you know that these sorts of requests are not uncommon.)
I'd much rather read something that is thought - provoking than fluffy posts about sunshine and happiness (though cat pictures are always welcome).
Dr. Daisetsu Suzuki used to point to one of his cats and remark: «When that cat jumps, it doesn't have to think: I am about to jump.
Consider this one: Christians might think that the dynamics of grace and faith in human salvation could only be worked out in Christianity — until they learn, for example, about the intricate, debates between the «cat doctrine» and the «monkey doctrine» in Bhakti Hinduism.
Again, I don't think a gay relationship is a sin — I am proud to be a cat who wants to meow — but I wonder at times about people's intrusive concern with our sex lives.
Sun News, which broke this story, does not go into any details about how a Stubbs — an animal — has gone about performing his daily mayoral duties or why anyone thought electing a cat to be mayor seemed like a good idea.
But I can't deny that sometimes, when I think about these things during night shifts in my signal box, with the cat on my lap and the psalms drifting around me in the silence, it feels a bit like I am praying.
I've been thinking about doing a whole book on «Cat God» because I already have a few cartoons.
That's right, I can't think about succotash without a visual of Sylvester the Cat spitting out the words «sufferin» succotash».
Just this morning I was thinking about how much I'm going to miss my 3 cats and dog and my 2 - yr - old nephew that I care for 3 days a week and how that was probably NOTHING compared to how it feels for moms with young kids to leave them!
I was being hard on myself thinking I was evil for feeling this way about my two cats after becoming a single Mom to my now 17 - month - old whom I've dubbed the Hurricane since I can not keep up with his energy or his mess.
I had to find new homes for my kitties when my son was born highly allergic to cats (like vomiting, hive covered, etc. for several months before we figured it out)... I cried for months... now, 4 years later, thinking about pets grosses me out... it's the poo stamp that gets me every time — you are so right, they should wear little shorts!
I can practically hear the cat fight sound effects in my head just thinking about it.
Kids are just as disgusting as kids, so does mean when you have your second child are you going to get rid of your first child when the little snot face picks his nose or sneezes all over your newborn or pisses on your couch because he can't make it to the toilet, you should have thought about bringing a pet into your home and used your brains and thought about the well beingof that innocent cat or dog that just wanted to be loved.
I thought about getting a kitten, one that could grow with our son, but I am glad that I didn't because I wouldn't have had the energy to give the cat what they needed.
Valentine's Day is right around the corner, and while most people think of candy, cards, flowers and dinners out, Bellamy Young thinks about the dogs and cats that are in your local shelter, waiting to find their furever family and home.
Even if you think about dog bites, cat bites, and dog allergies, many parents forget that dry pet food is a choking hazard to their infants, toddlers, and preschool - age children.
In between, homeschooling and cat - wrangling, she writes about feminism, mothering and thinking at
When I think about kids this age the phrase «bag of cats» comes to mind.
Think about this with other mammals; cats can abandon kittens if they do not smell like their own scent.
I stressed myself out enough thinking about all the what - ifs and all the items that I'll have to take to the airport (car seats, stroller, playpen, suitcases, etc. and oh — I also had my cat to take too!)
I've been thinking about doing this too but I can't see myself using rags for cat messes.
But just what should you be thinking about when it comes to choosing one and how can this cat harness buying guide help?
Think about it: the best cat scratch posts come with a comfy bed ready to go next door!
But O'Reilly and the Fox News, I mean, they just think it's the cat's pajamas and they are going on and on and on about it.
From the moment I hop out of bed, I am already thinking about all the things I want to do: shower, drink hot water with lemon, make a green smoothie, feed the cat, put in my contacts, pack food for the day, etc., etc..
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