Sentences with phrase «think about counting calories»

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I think I have an idea of where it began and why it grew and how it continues to grow — it's a combination of my origin story, of comparison, of our messed - up culture, of over-heard comments, of patriarchal bullshit, of feeling different than the patented ideal, of thought conditioning, of despair, of how we centre women who conform to the ideal, of our fear of getting older, of how the women in my circles spoke about their own bodies and obsessed over calorie counting and wrinkles, of how our culture speaks about women everywhere from the Internet to sanctuaries to coffee shops to our own inner monologues.
In answer to your questions I don't believe in counting calories, as I explain in the food philosophy section as all these foods are so good for you and so easily digestible that you don't really need to think about calories if you always eat this way — you can't for example equate the calories of an avocado and a chocolate bar!
Sadly I have no idea about the calories as I don't count them at all, if you take a look at my «Food Philosophy» section it should explain more about why I think this!
I know your philosophy is not about counting calories etc., but I think it would be helpful if your recipes came with some nutritional content information, macronutrients etc..
Do you find yourself getting caught up thinking about diets, weight loss, counting calories, etc, yet you never actually achieve your desired number on...
While some health educators or parents might worry that teaching kids about portion control and calorie counts could lead to eating that's too retrictive, I actually think it's a very good idea to arm kids with that knowledge to help them navigate the temptations of today's food environment.
And you'd think they were right since dieting includes an enormous list of things to do like counting daily calories, lowering carb intake, avoiding white wheat, reducing fat intake, drinking lemon juice in the morning, writing in a nutrition diary about everything you've eaten that day, eating more vegetables, drinking a lot of water, slowly chewing your food, taking fat burner supplements, eating lots of bacon if you're on a Keto diet (come to think of it, that's not that bad), trying all sorts of natural weight - loss foods, sometimes even eating raw foods and the list goes on and on.
There are many things to think about: food choices, calorie count, exercise routine and supplementation, just to name a few.
Think about how you want your life to look + feel In order to keep traditional resolutions, we usually end up counting calories, dollars, or social media followers.
I'm thinking of doing this 7 - day plan but if I had an idea about calorie counts I think that would help me.
I thought with IF we don't have to ne concerned about calorie counting.
If you go out for meals and drinks with friends more often than you dine at home, start thinking about how you can count calories and assess macros at your favorite restaurants.
You might think that calorie counting is tedious or «too obsessive», but if you're serious about losing the fat then it's just something you have to do, at least in the beginning stage until you get yourself on the right track.
Indeed, most popular fad diets that have come and gone over the years have enthusiastically promised that you don't have to count calories, that you don't have to eat less, or maybe that you don't even have to think about calories at all because «calories don't actually matter.»
Under Mary's guidance, I've totally changed the way I think about food, and while my diet may seem pretty different to some people (no counting calories, lots of rich foods, but gluten free), I've never felt better and I never feel like I am going hungry!»
Also at the bottom of this post I have embedded a video presentation by Jonathan Bailor titled «The Calorie Myth & 6 Reasons Calorie Counting is Crazy» — the video is about an hour and twenty minutes but it is well worth the investment in time and I guarantee you will think differently after watching it.
i want to lose that weight and be a normal person who does nt count calories or who does nt think about weight at all..
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