Sentences with phrase «think about how»

Think about how you'll regret it if you don't do it.
Take some time to think about how you'll use your system.
It's useful to advertisers, but frightening if you think about how the same data could be used to influence a person's politics.
Think about how you can introduce your site into their community.
«We're not happy with world's best practice, because everyone's going to do that, so you've got to think about how you competitive differentiate yourself beyond that instead of just following the herd.»
Think about how you might repel those who aren't right for your business.
Crowdsourcing, predicts Esposti, will «take the lid off the ideas and options and possibilities relative to the ability for a broader community to be able to think about how to move a business forward.»
The founder now takes 26 percent dilution but often they start to get less dilution - sensitive because they think about how nice it would be to have more money.
Just think about how much easier Jack Erwin's job is after combining multiple content types along a coherent and organized consumer decision journey.
Think about how many loyal customers would stick around if you were always rude and unpleasant to them.
Think about how you can track success every step of the way — from traffic to engagement to conversion.
Think about how many channels you have on your television, and how many websites and social media channels compete for your attention each day.
Before we get into the particular problem with Zappos's terms, it is helpful to think about how we legally contract with each other over the Internet.
But when it comes to the intricacies of daily life, have you ever stopped to think about how your daily routine compares with others around the globe and just how much culture influences your behavior?
So if you're looking for ways to learn from Sweetgreen's success and reach peak performance in your own company, think about how you can introduce or strengthen each of these elements — living and working with integrity, being intentional, and always persisting.
I've been working on a ghostwriting project with a client recently, and had the chance to think about how creative people benefit from being organized.
Though Valentine's Day 2017 is officially behind us, it's always a good time to think about how you can share the love.
Then think about how this dream went from being impossible to actually being in your life.
Think about how brick - and - mortar businesses use print.
Think about how reporters put stories together for the outlets they're working for.
He added: «We're living in a very different world where we have to think about how we get American companies to compete globally.»
Think about how you use the Web yourself.
Once I've made the choice to do something, I try not to think so much about how difficult or frustrating or impossible that might be; I just think about how good it must feel to be that, or how proud I might be to have done that.
«He not only advanced our understanding of the universe and its contents by his discoveries, but by provoking us to think about how the cosmos works,» said Tothill.
But what's most interesting now, as we have talked about LIFE, is that major manufacturers in the power industry, architects and engineers who do large scale integration and the like have come to us and are working with us to try and think about how to put this together.
«That multi-tasking may only be costing you a few seconds,» Pons said, «but think about how many times a day you do that, and do the math.»
Any conscientious leader will first think about how your absence will affect business.
When you think about how to sell your idea, use figures — attractive and honest ones at that — to convey your message.
When deciding whether to bring e-mail archiving in house or go with an outside vendor, companies need to think about how many employees they need to cover, average e-mail volumes, if their company is growing and how much work they want to take on themselves, says Sean Hegarty, messaging senior product manager at Iron Mountain, the information storage company.
My suggestion is to tack these up to the wall in plain sight and think about how you are navigating the growth of your business to avoid being a statistic on the journey to success.
Think about how this segment would use your product or service and what imagery would catch their eye.
«But we need to think about how to create more recycling at a higher profitability.»
«That's the single best piece of advice: Constantly think about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself,» he has said.
Think about how reassured you were by the avuncular handyman who helped you find toilet parts at Home Depot or the emo - haired barista who conspiratorially called you «man» when handing you your skinny latte at Starbucks, and it becomes clear that there is something more fundamental at work here.
Think about how you want your customer to feel about you, every time they think about you.
Think about how existing content could be used and repurposed.
Don't just think about how many employees you have now.
Think about how you can really rein in personal expenses in the near term.
Think about how Blockbuster Video dismissed Netflix.
Think about how many empty shops you see walking down Main Street in your town.
Think about how often you yourself stay tuned, from the first line to the last line of an email, article, blog post, ebook, research report or any type of content.
Think about how quickly technology is changing — Millennials will be the ones harnessing this tsunami and transforming the world in coming decades.
Think about how anyone perusing your Twitter page will be able to reference more than just a few scant words for basing their decision to follow or engage with you.
Think about how much food merchants and restaurants throw away.
He and his staff will have to think about how they might cajole and persuade Kim to agree to things the U.S. values, such as a permanent freeze on further missile and nuclear tests.
In today's divided world, this book brings readers a fundamental message to show more love to those we lead, deliver compassion, develop people in a more intentional way (think about how Jesus built up his followers over a deeply committed three - year period), and finally, be willing to forgive.
Dig into what you're collecting and think about how it's marketable but do so under adherence to your privacy policy and terms of service.
Then, you have to think about how it's going to spread.
I did think about how they'd perform together but in general, I kept thinking that everyone wants to win anyway, so they'll figure out how to get along.
Let that quote inspire you to stop and think about how important asking questions really is.
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