Sentences with phrase «think about liquidity»

You must also think about liquidity, exercise rights, counterparty risk, price transparency, administration, and leverage — a particular «red - line» for most funds.
Individual investors generally don't think about liquidity.
The longer into the future until you'll want to sell an investment to raise cash for spending, the less you need to think about liquidity and volatility.
Marks arrived at more or less the same definition of liquidity as Hooper, writing that the way to think about liquidity isn't to ask if there is a market for an asset, but whether you can quickly sell that an asset without taking a huge loss on it.
«I spent most of every day thinking about liquidity, talking about liquidity, looking to the heavens and pleading for liquidity.

Not exact matches

And when you think about why that liquidity isn't provided earlier, it just ends up being a bunch of procedural issues that are easily fixable.
While most people think about portfolio diversification in terms of high - risk and low - risk investments, it also has to do with liquidity.
«When we think about why companies go public, they do it for liquidity, to raise their profile, for capital,» John Tuttle, head of global listings at NYSE, told Business Insider.
And I think for the markets to assume that this can be fixed by yet another round of quantitative easing or whatever you want to call it — LTRO — I think that's not realistic, because this is no longer just about liquidity.
Having talked about liquidity from the banking system's point of view, I will finish with a few thoughts on liquidity in the superannuation (pension) system.
Beijing is trying to boost domestic liquidity in the hopes that this will generate stronger domestic demand, but expanding liquidity fuels capital outflows, and these put downward pressure on the currency, while increasing PBoC concerns about the monetary impact of money leaving the economy which, as an article in last week's FT argues, might be worse than we think.
In addition to liquidity, everything in crypto is open source, which requires thinking about investing in a fundamentally different way.»
«As we think about these sorts of circuit breakers and pauses, we have to recognize that just as liquidity can depart very quickly, it can come back just as fast,» O'Hara said during today's joint committee meeting.
We thought about lots of alternate mechanisms to deal with liquidity risk, including longer notice periods and the like.
We want to help treasury teams think about alternative means of deploying liquidity that allows them to remain within their risk protocols.
He added: «Only last week Vince Cable spoke about plans for a Business Bank to help with this very issue, but I think the government needs to do more by putting to work the considerable liquidity and cash that UK companies and investors are currently sitting on.»
First, policymakers should shift away from focusing solely on net prices to also thinking about net liquidity: the costs students face and the resources they have access to up - front.
It is something that I think about frequently, and my best summary for what liquidity means is:
If valuable for no other reason, market panics make liquidity disappear, and it is useful to think about what you will do in an absence of liquidity before the time of trouble happens.
At some point (a spread of several %) it sure is, and liquidity is important... but does spread still bear thinking about whether it's a penny or a nickle?
I prefer investing in mutual funds, as they are more transparent wrt fund management, flexible, have high liquidity etc., Do think about these points before taking final decision.
I think the panic about the cash bleed could result in a price that provides a really good value investment... if they just don't run out of liquidity, that is.
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