Sentences with phrase «think about the effectiveness»

Every time you see an ad on YouTube or television, think about its effectiveness and if it could be applicable to your business.
I just think we all need to think about the effectiveness of that weapon in this context.
The team's findings and other research show that our ancestors were thinking about effectiveness and efficiency, Wood said, which may have influenced which animals they targeted.
The authors would like to thank the potential dates who turned down one of us repeatedly, encouraging us to think about the effectiveness of online dating.
While MCLs are formally accountable for the whole team's outcomes, team teachers mentor the aspiring teachers, too, forcing them to think about the effectiveness of their own teaching methods.
What simply amazes me (TonyB seems to agree) is that U.K. and other jurisdictions have enacted laws to mandate greenhouse gas reductions with HUGE impact on the taxpayers» lives without any evidence that they have even thought about the effectiveness of their programs in actually reducing global warming.

Not exact matches

They weren't, however, thinking much about how to integrate them with one another, which limited their effectiveness.
One way to think about Icahn is that he's a repeat player trying to maximize his effectiveness in all possible situations, not just whatever he's currently got cooking.
Some think of it as training and knowledge while others view it as being about developing sales capabilities or improving the overall effectiveness of their deals.
As a Visiting Scholar at the Rotman School of Management (more specifically at the Clarkson Centre for Business Ethics and Board Effectiveness), I've been thinking a lot lately about how we educate tomorrow's business leaders.
Eslinger first defines this situation as a «crisis» for both preachers and homileticians and clears the way toward news ways of thinking about preaching by suggesting that «the way out, toward new effectiveness in preaching, is not yet clear» (11).
Those who argue against same - sex marriage on the basis of its potential to diminish the effectiveness of the institution as a solid foundation for social stability have not thought about the price we have already paid for this personal freedom, or the historical reality that most citizens of Western Nations have already chosen to pay it rather than choose the relative social stability / security of tribalistic collectivism.
One is that we should be thinking about value - added in a different way, and that there's maybe an innovative way to measure more broadly the effectiveness of teachers.
It's really I think a good tool for our new moms because it's all about tracking the effectiveness of some medication that you might be taking for a postpartum depression or other postpartum mood disorders.
On - topic questions included the timing of the effectiveness of the laws signed today and when ICE will close it's office on Rikers Island, how many people currently on Rikers Island will be covered by these laws, details of Carlos Rodriguez (who was held on Rikers Island for eight months on an ICE detainer) path to this country and his thoughts during his eight month detention, what Mayor de Blasio would like to see the federal government do about immigration and what he will do absent such action, what he would tell Republicans who think his approach is a dangerous precedent, de Blasio and Melissa Mark - Viverito's positions on municipal IDs and voting rights for non-citizens, the number of people arrested on misdemeanors and then subject to ICE detainers and whether persons arrested on felony charges must first go through the justice system before being subject to an ICE detainer.
«Perhaps once again the government need to think very carefully about how they approach this issue, as it is clear there are limits to the effectiveness of relying on employer and landlord checks to address illegal immigration.»
Dr Bishop added that to improve the effectiveness of treatment, acupuncturists should consider helping patients to think more positively about their back pain as part of their consultations.
«Common antimicrobials help patients recover from MRSA abscesses: Trial counters current thinking about treatment effectiveness
See, when most people go about trying to structure the «best diet» for themselves, they tend to think ONLY in terms of bottom line effectiveness.
We frequently hear about the health benefits of gratitude and positive thinking, so this step might feel a little different at first but experts say it's essential to the technique's effectiveness.
I've owned and used my Clearlight Sauna for about three months now and thought I'd let you know my impressions regarding its effectiveness and value.
I don't think they would make a promise like that unless they are 100 % positive about the effectiveness of their product.
«I think what is needed is a focus on (i) what to do about cases according to their nature and (ii) the evidence of effectiveness
I may be overly optimistic about the promise of personalized learning, but I think critics overestimate the effectiveness of the average traditional classroom.
Nearly absent is thinking about the role for - profits can play in promoting quality and cost - effectiveness at scale, or what it'll take to make that happen.
As the school year ends and most teachers have the luxury of thinking about ways of continuing to improve their effectiveness in motivating students, I want to throw in some ideas that I've had on my mind.
This question prompts them to think about their current platform effectiveness and whether it still meets the needs of their organization.
«New thinking about assessment is focusing on understanding where students are in their learning in order to identify appropriate starting points for action, and evaluate the effectiveness of such action» says Professor
If we think about improvement as measuring the difference between a teacher's effectiveness at the beginning of a period and her effectiveness at the end, the change over time will be subject to errors in both the starting and the ending value.
Those experiences stimulated my thinking about organizations that value change as a means of realizing increased effectiveness.
We started surveying students about the effectiveness of their teachers and sharing that information anonymously with teachers, so they could see the gap between what they thought they were conveying to their students, and how the students perceived it.
«While we do high - level thinking about things like teacher effectiveness or Common Core [curriculum], the question is what exactly will we do tomorrow about those districts.»
Because the CTIME process is about continual improvement, we think that the actions co-teachers take based on their ongoing professional learning will result not only in their own improved teaching effectiveness, but ultimately in the increased success of the students in their inclusive classes.
David Reynolds, professor of educational effectiveness at the University of Southampton and a Welsh government adviser, said: «Frankly what I think is the pity here is that David Evans is neglecting the money, the support, the clear statements about what Welsh children are able to achieve in English and mathematics.»
First of all, for reflection on the effectiveness of teaching to be productive, teachers need to focus on specific details of student thinking about the content.
This month's Brief focuses on Principal Effectiveness, including: Best practices in preparing school leaders Current thinking about principal evaluations What makes a great principal Resources that may guide our thinking on these issues To view this month's Issue Read more about May 2012 Issue Brief — Principal Effectiveness -LSB-...]
Principals, as instructional leaders, are in the throes of facilitating a paradigm shift away from thinking about teacher effectiveness through the lens of static teacher ratings toward a holistic view of the learning process, with a keen focus on the constant, iterative interaction that exists between students and teachers.
Ahead of that data dump, I thought it would be important to give some reminders about how a data nerd might interpret this information: Proficiency Levels Are Not The Best Measure of Effectiveness The ideal -LSB-...]
I think it will change, and it's good to be there when selling goods will all be about effectiveness and creativity in an online presence.
yesterday on the effectiveness of book signings made me think about what does and doesn't work as far as book promotion goes.
If you make someone think about a word, you'll lose them and the effectiveness of your book description will go right out the window.
The film presses activists to think carefully about the tactics they are using and to consider the ethics and effectiveness of their choices.
There is a lot to think about here with both the effectiveness that the old print model has in today's digital world, plus what I fear is a continuing failed project at Harvard with the whole John Palfrey experiment.
6) unity / primacy / effectiveness: yes, I had not thought about it that way.
I respect the guy's thought and effort, and have to admit he might be right about their combined effectiveness, but this article leaves out a lot of the context as to - why - this isn't getting attention.
Entrepreneur, trainer, speaker, consultant, and author, Shelley Roth, has been «helping individuals, organizations, and teams improve their effectiveness and results by changing the way they think about social media and business.»
Reviews of policies and curricula pertaining to sexuality education have shown that while many countries have established curricula, little is known about their use in schools — the degree of implementation, the mode and quality of the instruction, the existence of program monitoring and evaluation tools, the adequacy and quality of teacher training, the level of support for or opposition to the subject, and the effectiveness of existing programs in achieving desired knowledge and behavioral outcomes among students.10, 24 — 27 This report provides a detailed snapshot of how the policies related to sexuality education in Ghana are translated into practice and what students, teachers and heads of schools think about them.
As we train staff members to work with youth who exhibit challenging behaviors, there are some key points about the meaning of behavior to consider which may increase staff effectiveness and stimulate proactive thinking:
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