Sentences with phrase «think coming to terms»

I think coming to terms with your past is one of the most difficult parts of our journey.
I get discouraged when I don't see it happening right away and I think coming to terms with that will help me in the long run.

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Crawford thinks that Google will come to terms with European and U.S. competition authorities, but that may be a solution to a fading problem.
When it comes to pricing, customers think in terms of whether something is «worth it» to them.
I think it's a really unfair position to put a CEO in because again it comes back to the fact that he doesn't speak for the entire company in terms of the way everybody believes.
Managers spend lots of time trying to figure out how to keep their employees happy, but when it comes to sales people they tend to think of things strictly in monetary terms.
When it comes to building your own long - term career, think about what kind of power you can earn.
Scientist Christine Peterson came up with the term in 1998 at the Foresight Institute, a nonprofit think tank dedicated to nanotechnology and advances in AI.
I learned a very careful, humble and diplomatic pedagogy for eliciting others to think on their own terms and come to their own conclusion while always being honest (but not aggressive) about my own views.
CEOs often fall into one of four categories when it comes to the way they think about their terms of office.
I think I thought in terms of lots of people that want to invest lots of money, and they're all coming back to the United States, they're coming back to America.
PRESIDENT TRUMP: So when I decided to come to Davos I didn't think in terms of elitists or globalists.
When you think of the term digital rights management (DRM), e-books and DVDs generally come to mind.
And so, we think and obviously there regulations that are coming into force in Europe, and we would expect to see more things globally, that all of these companies, and certainly Alphabet included, are going to need to begin to adjust and help people understand what it is they «re doing and what it is they «re giving away if you like in terms of their data.
And so, when we think about the medium to long term for this company, there are several growth engines underneath that that we think can help sustain attractive growth rates for some years to come.
Jeff, you are one of the most long - term - thinking entrepreneurs when it comes to companies, products, and services.
Even if you can't hire new roles anytime soon, it's still good to think in terms of a roadmap, so that when the time comes, you can strategically build a team to match the evolution of your organization.
Therefore I thought it would be useful to have a glossary of all the terms you may come across.
In Australia, we have come to think of the downward sloping yield curve as the norm, and banks have developed cash management - type products to cater for those wishing to capitalise on high short term interest rates.
Something that is also important to let your readers know is to think in terms of quality not quantity when it comes to inbound links.
«They're just looking to get through the coming months and what I've noticed is there isn't really a long - term vision for what's going to happen if the economy does rebound in the way that most of the people within the industry think it will.»
Almost nobody that offers restaurant equipment financing wants to come clean with the real terms online - because they think that if you know the truth, you'll shop elsewhere.
There are different schools of thoughts when it comes to what is considered as short term investment and long term investment.
Falling prey to short - term thinking could leave the whole industry unprepared for the inevitable upturn — whenever that comes.
Although again I think that some of this would actually be broader long - term factors over productivity, which again comes back to that argument that I said about fiscal policy.
In the coming week, the price of the NASDAQ could easily «undercut» the 4,050 to 4,100 area of support and bounce higher from near - term «oversold» conditions (though I think «overbought» and «oversold» are largely useless words).
As my interests shifted to American history and political thought, it was Marx with whom I had to come to terms.
I think that in the long term I would love to see a church where we can all, regardless of how we understand our identity, come to worship our Creator and learn to love each other.
I don't think we can really begin to live deeply until we have come to terms with our mortality.
These thoughts come to mind as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ, or, in other terms, the dawn of the eighth day.
I believe in intelligent design but not that he will die and come back to save from our so called sins is the term I think is used.
As long as it was assumed that the world that originally came into being was much like our present world, with human beings coming into existence abruptly in their present form, it was hard to think of origins in terms of chance and necessity.
There's parts of these places that we've come to think of in such dire polarizing terms that I think it really can surprise people.
It's just another «scare» term that the right loves to come up with to enflame people who don't think things through.
Or do you think of the 1990s, when «gay» meant «hømos cents xual» and the term referred to gay people coming out of the closet and fighting for equality?
And, to put what some of the symposiasts have noted in Heidegger's terms, man has come to think of nature primarily, if not solely, in terms of «standing reserve.»
I would say all sides come to the forefront, but I think that some of us see things from more than one side to begin with and that there are many «sides» (perspectives) that are out there, I don't think it is a polemic, and I don't think it is «sides» in terms of choosing sides in a war... more a dialogue where confrontations take place, but (hopefully) most of the time not with the intent of winners and losers (or, if that is the intent, that hopefully we realize that and adjust our own rhetoric to move away from that pardigm)
In our own time, as we have come to think of ourselves more and more in terms of will and choice, Hobbes's «masterless men,» we have transformed the meaning of birth.
Thus America came to be thought of as a paradise and a wilderness, with all of the rich associations of those terms in the Christian and biblical traditions, or, more simply, thus Europeans came to think of America as both a heaven and a hell.
More than the Depression generation, we thought we had a rendezvous with destiny; and we have never quite been able to come to terms with the ensuing knowledge that destiny obeys her own rhythm and can't be called up at will simply because it seems like a nice thing to have her on your side.»
When I think of Penny's life to come only in terms of being fixed or healed, I miss the point of what it means for God to redeem and heal each and every one of us.
«I think mostly in terms of how spiritual warfare is accomplished is mostly through spiritual disciplines that cause us to come into a deeper place of surrender to God.»
If we are able to mention in general terms (with due caution regarding the seal) that many women have been greatly helped by the sacrament of penance, that can in itself remove a barrier for some women who perhaps thought they would be rejected if they were to come to confession.
Derek says the themes on the album include battling cynicism («Everything Will Change»), coming to terms with who God made you to be («Eye of the Hurricane»), Jesus» nearness to those who are disenfranchised («Closer Than You Think»), unity among the divisions of the church («A Place at Your Table»), the hard work of marriage («The Vow»), and God's great love («Love Part 3»).
I think most would coose to go somewhere else, but kids often only come to terms with their se.xuality after they are already in college.
Bishop Paulose expresses the opinion that liberation theology was the final coming to terms of theology with Marx, the positive appropriation of Marx's contribution to modern thought and life.
... Demythologizing which fails to come to terms with the ultimate metaphysical - cosmological dualism expressed in the mythology, and in fact at the root, of all Western religious thinking, is not seriously facing up to the problem of irrelevance of the Christian church in contemporary life.»
The Latin word resurrectio appears to have been created for Christian use, and while the Greek equivalent anastasis is certainly pre-Christian, it does not seem to have been widely used until Christian times, some scholars thinking that, when Paul referred to it at Athens, his hearers mistook it for the name of a goddess.26 The idea of resurrection first came to expression in the form of a narrative, and until the advent of the above technical terms, words of very general usage, such as «raise», «wake up», «stand up», etc., served the purpose of relating it.
But as men became more and more aware of moral principles and as their thinking was «rationalized», the way in which the sacred was understood, the way in which men came to interpret the more - than - human, was in terms of love and of «persuasion» (as Whitehead put it), although it never lost the awesome quality which evoked from them worship and adoration.
Now by this time Christianity had come to think in terms of Antichrist, the figure who was the supreme opponent of God, God's enemy in the universe; and not unnaturally the Nero Redivivus legend and the Antichrist conception became entangled together.
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