Sentences with phrase «think discrimination against gays»

How serious a problem do you think discrimination against gays and lesbians is in this country — a very serious problem, a somewhat serious problem, not too serious or not at all serious?

Not exact matches

The Attorney General stated that the Obama Administration wishes to oppose discrimination against gays and lesbians and declared that DOMA reflects «stereotype - based thinking» in its definition of «marriage» and «spouse.»
I would find it laughable if it weren't so disgusting that so many so - called «Christians» go out of their way to demonize gays, and incite violence and discrimination against gays, and yet when someone turns around and calls them bigots or explains why they think the «Christian» position is wrong, then they moan about how horribly they are being oppressed and discriminated against.
They seek to legalize discrimination against gay folks, because they think their version of a god wants them to think gays are icky.
You can't have a Home Secretary who thinks that discrimination against gays is acceptable.
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