Sentences with phrase «think ebook buyers»

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Ebooks are «sold» (or so the public is meant to think), but the buyer owns nothing but a non-transferrable usage license.
Until now, nobody has been able to look inside at how one of these scams work — especially one that's been so prolific, generating millions of dollars in royalties by cashing in on unwitting buyers who are tricked into thinking these ebooks have some substance.
If you had asked included «ebooks should cost the same as hardcovers» and «ebooks should cost the same as paperbacks» and «ebooks should cost less than paperbacks», I think you would have gotten more specific, useful data about what book buyers think regarding ebook prices.
So I have to say that, although I think it's highly likely that ebooks will replace dead tree books over the next few years and reduce them to the status that vinyl records currently enjoy in the world (curios for a minority of buyers, sold by specialist shops), I do also see that paperbacks still have a place in the world, and that for a while longer people will still want them.
I don't think that book buyers care whether they can buy both print and e from the same store, so you're not doing them a disservice by not offering ebooks.
When eReaders are sold to people who are occasional readers (as impulse gadget purchases), I think there may be rare cases where some people become voracious readers and voracious eBook buyers.
Re: overall flat sales, I would think that the hardcore book buyers (who are open to shifting their reading habits from books to eBooks) have long ago purchased a device — Kindle, Nook, iPad, etc..
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