Sentences with phrase «think moderation»

When It Comes to Iodine, Think Moderation: Too little iodine, an increasing problem in the United States, increases your risk of hypothyroidism or goiter, but excessive iodine intake, including kelp or bladderwrack, can also affect the thyroid.
;) I think moderation is the key (after adopting a vegan diet)
When all else fails think moderation.
Eating a lot of high - purine foods like red meat and seafood, such as scallops, mussels, and tuna, can trigger a gout flare - up, says Sass, so think moderation.
«We asked people to tell us what they think moderation is, in terms of quantity,» said vanDellen, an expert on self - control.
When your child gets older, the extra calories and sugar from juice can contribute to obesity, so think moderation when it comes to juice.
Anybody who thinks moderation here is heavy hasn't tried to decipher one of «Fan» «s comment thingies.

Not exact matches

I think, Sara, what we're seeing is moderation in that number.
«If you ask me what I think is the most important, whoever tech companies hire, they need people from diverse backgrounds, racially diverse and diverse in terms of gender, and especially when we are talking about content moderation, there is a cultural element to that.
A panel of influential industry thought - leaders, under moderation from leading maritime journalist Richard Clayton, will debate the hottest topics impacting shipping now and the near future globally and regionally
I think your rules show that with effective moderation and a receptive audience (your members), Groups can thrive.
The Rumors of the Death of Link Building are Greatly Exaggerated — Search Mojo calms those thinking that link building is dead by pointing out that these new rules are cracking down on the over optimization of anchor text, and that using link building methods in moderation is still key.
Hi Gary - I think you might be relieved to know that your comments have passed out of moderation over at Stollar's site.
Many of the writers on spirituality were directing their thoughts to monks and nuns, but we notice a surprising moderation in their remarks («reasonable distress», «little by little»).
Though Montaigne's name never comes up in The Roots of Evil, his spirit of decency and moderation runs through its pages and through Kekes» thought generally.
Moderation in fashion means thinking about your choices regarding self - presentation, and considering the example you are setting.
When excess and abstention dominate our thinking, we eliminate the possibility of moderation and not only deny certain pleasures of life but surrender our freedom of thought to what seem to be the impersonal and uncontrollable forces of nature that cause disease.
moderation, a virtue which is as central to his thought as it was to that of the Greeks.
So I just responded on her blog (awaiting moderation) but thought that I would re-post my comment here as it seems equally relevant to the discussion here.
Thank you for expressing the thoughts and ideals of people who want to share a religion with their children, but who want to walk the thin line of moderation which, when it come to religion and politics, seems to be getting ever thinner.
OK, probably about to make this a little more awkward, but a couple of you have mentioned that if used in moderation, and with a healthy attitude that masturbation can be a good thing, but I'm having a hard time thinking of examples.
John Calvin was extremely cautious about the music he sanctioned for use in worship, which he thought should exhibit moderation, gravity and majesty.
I definitely think it's possible to lose weight on a plantbased diet and I would say eat sweet treats in moderation like anything!
I think that if you are making the peanut butter yourself and having it in moderation, then I think it's fine!
Whether your preference is dark, milk or something in between, I think we can all appreciate a day dedicated to this delicious, and healthy (when eaten in moderation) treat.
I agree that moderation is good for us, but I don't think I'd stop at just one of these.
I think this one really speaks for itself, but moderation, like with anything, is key.
I love that my body thinks sprouted flour is a veggie and most of the other stuff is as well (in moderation).
Like all fats, we think coconut oil is best consumed in moderation as part of a healthy diet.
I think we all know it's about moderation and making the right food choices, not to mention exercising regularly.
And while those are both good in moderation, I encourage you to think about adding more strawberries to your diet in a healthy way, too.
Sage Adweisse is a sour beer, which took some getting used to for me, but I thought was good in moderation.
I think the jury is still out, though, which is one reason why we still use coconut oil in moderation.
Cohen's comment on her post to a question — How does coconut water, with so many grams of sugar, drop your blood sugars: Cohen response: «I'm not sure that one study like this (or even two) means we should all start chugging coconut water but it's an idea, and I think in moderation it's a very healthy drink, much better than artificially - sweetened drinks (yes, sugar an all).
But if you go into this diet thinking that it's ok to eat these foods «in moderation» (there's a subjective term...), one egg turns into three or four, one slice of pizza turns into a steak with baked potato, butter, sour cream, and before you know it, your cholesterol and blood pressure are right back up there.
My thought is all in moderation, so have one, and you'll be okay.
I don't mean to suggest that dates should be eaten with reckless abandon — the study I referenced mentioned that they can be included «as part of a healthy diet» for diabetics, so I think that implies moderation.
As much as I would like to think there are ways to healthy up certain baked goods, I think it's safe to agree that some desserts are best left alone to enjoy as they were meant to me (in moderation of course).
I made a few modifications — I didn't think it needed a whole 3/4 cup of honey (remember, honey is healthier than white sugar, but it's still sugar and should be eaten in moderation).
I think parents have to get food right at home, schools have to get food right at school, and as a nation we have to look in the mirror and really decide «are we eating junk food in moderation» like we claim we are?
Perhaps, it would be best to think of it as being OK in moderation.
Moms who drink coffee in the morning probably already know how it affects their system but consider drinking it in moderation if you think it's disagreeing with your baby.
Most over-the-counter and prescription drugs, taken in moderation and only when needed, are thought to be safe.
And I know what you're thinking if it's not one thing it's another — BPA, Aspertame, Yellow 5 — and I agree, but it's important to at least know what these ingredients can do so you know when it's Ok (for you and your kids) to have them in moderation.
I think it's fine in moderation, but so many kids get so much dairy, it's likely crowding out other important foods.
in moderation i don't think cereal will hurt.
All things in moderation, so why do we think that by banning drugs through prohibition we can stop this.
«For both thin and overweight people, people tend to think of moderation through their own objective lens, and they tend to exaggerate what moderation is.»
«People do think of moderation as less than overeating, so it does suggest less consumption.
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