Sentences with phrase «think olive trees»

I think olive trees are so beautiful so I will have to look into getting one.

Not exact matches

Oliver is a French baby name that means exactly what you are probably thinking: the olive tree.
I had been doing the usual high fat / protein candida diet without any fruits for about a month feeling miserable until 3 days ago that I found one could eat some berries, but then yesterday I found your channel and I ate some bananas and tree tomatoes and felt really great, I have been losing a lot of weight because it was only yesterday that I started adding more fruits so I bought some olives as well to eat with my salads, do you think it would be detrimental?
Early in the last century, oleuropein was isolated from olive leaf extract as this phytochemical was thought to give the olive tree its resistance to disease.
I'd try cooking with a variety of veggie fats, including coconut oil and cream (I'm thinking for curries), avocado, tree nuts, olives, etc..
I keep a small olive tree in our kitchen, but didn't think I'd successfully maintain one outdoors in Missouri.
I thought about replacing it with a potting shed, but instead will plant a large olive tree in the corner.
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