Sentences with phrase «think personal beliefs»

I would also like to say that while I think personal beliefs should be respected, it should be possible to openly criticize religions.
The problem is, religionists think their PERSONAL beliefs should dictate YOUR life.
If a person is the leader of 300 million people, you do not think his personal beliefs have anything to do with him or perhaps the decisions he will make?
Don't want an abortion, don't have one but don't think your personal belief trumps the laws that you must bide by in this world and please don't think they deserve respect when obviously they are being use to step on other peoples rights to freedom over their own body.

Not exact matches

I think we all have a tendency to get «locked into» a personal «dogma» about our beliefs and how we do our jobs.
It seems Americans tend to think science and religion are at odds... except where their own personal religious beliefs are concerned.
I think spiritual leaders feel the obligation to ensure people are on the right «spiritual path» before moving to the next realm (whatever that might be based on personal beliefs or if there really is something beyond death).
Kevin your right personal beliefs and or religion does not belong in law, and I am not saying that what this atheist organization is doing is wrong or anything, I think what there doing is a good thing, I just think this particular message could have been done from a different perspective, this message makes them appear like the self righteous ones, and it might give out the wrong kind of message, instead it should have said something like you believe in god fine, but don't put it in our laws.
If someone thinks ID is credible, it demonstrates a willingness to suspend their adherence to the scientific method in favour of their personal and / or religious beliefs.
I think religion is a very personal thing, and people (including we atheists) should be free to hold and practice their own beliefs without fear of persecution.
I think he is just a little better at understanding how to keep his personal religious beliefs from his duties and oath to serve the American people.
I think a lot of agnostic / atheist people would be perfectly content to live their lives without making their personal convictions a crusade if the other side didn't make a crusade out of their religious beliefs.
I think they are throwing around their personal belief in order to get out of giving their employees what is due to them.
I think it is the egoistic expectation to have our personal beliefs taken seriously, however subjective they may be, that causes so much flaming in religious and political discussions.
We've had blue laws imposing Christian beliefs on businesses, Prohibition, laws criminalizing sodomy, laws banning birth control, abortions, gay marriages, interracial marriages and more simply because arrogant Christians thought they needed to impose their «personal knowledge» of what God wants on our entire society.
Those who seem to think their religious belief, or lack there of, is more important to their personal life than quitting drinking, despite likely hitting rock bottom, probably aren't ready to quit drinking.
This is so because central to Keen's thought has been his belief that all theology, including a theological understanding of play, must be defined solely in terms of one's own autobiography («I may speak of grace only in the first person») 34 This solipsistic reduction of religious authority to personal experience has led Keen to characterize incorrectly both theology and the play experience itself.
Do you think a church or ministry should fire pastors and employees who begin to question their personal beliefs?
As a matter of personal belief I also think he would have to face God's judgement for his crimes committed here on earth.
IT's a fairly personal question, so I undertand if you don't want to answer, but do you have any beliefs or thoughts about «God» that don't come from the bible?
Amazing how humans use religion to justify their own personal beliefs rather than providing a stage for examining whether your their thoughts are upheld by their religion on not.
I may agree with you there to some degree, but I do think 1 Cor 15 makes a definite distinction), as the means of Justification salvation (I would quantify belief here, as the agreement of the fact of Jesus death for ones own personal sins (Understanding one is a sinner and needs a savior) on the cross, That he was buried, and was raised to life on the third day).
For a very long time of concerted thought, it was my belief that «evil» was simply the random egotistical aggregation worldwide of personal weaknesses, mostly to do with fear, pain, greed or just for some an innate bastardry.
I think I will vote for the person that has EVERYONE's best interest in mind, not just some of the people, regardless of their personal beliefs.
These include history and geography, schools of thought, mysticism, religious belief, religious practice, Islamic law, theology, philosophy and ideology, politics (dynastic states, political and religious roles, political concepts and terms), economics, culture and society (personal life, community life, arts and literature, science and medicine, communications, popular religion), Islamic studies, institutions, organizations, movements, biographies.
It's this kind of over the top judgement, holding others to your personal religious beliefs, that are responsible for so many Americans today feeling that religion in general has nothing to offer besides bigotry, judgement, and a sad credo that everyone who doesn't think exactly as you do is wrong and evil.
It seems many people on here have a problem with organizing their thoughts and want to make a general topic on belief into an arugment on personal belief.
budgie, Robert Heinlein was often guilty of making finely - reasoned arguments for stuff he thought was dead wrong, and people mistake STARSHIP TROOPERS or STRANGER IN A STRANGE LAND for his own personal beliefs.
Belief is such a personal, intimate thing and the euphoric feelings that it can create in a person make it difficult to think about that euphoria ending.
I think if anything this country would be a mormon country since it was founded here... but since mythology is all myths lets all be happy we live in a country where people can believe what they wish and be open about it yet those beliefs based on nothing more then each persons personal «experiences» which are questionable at best have little impact on the government which dictates the laws we live by... WRONG!
However, my personal belief is probably at odds with experts who think that legalizing drugs promotes drug use.
The fact that leading proponents of character education (e.g., Kevin Ryan and William Kilpatrick) are Catholics «is of no relevance,» but Mr. Kohn thought he would mention it just the same because «it is appropriate to consider the personal beliefs of these individuals.»
As for your so - called «clear distinction between personal belief and social norms» I pretty much think that you are talking about Luther and his crew: even the Romans (for all their tolerance) tried to get the Christians to sacrifice to the old gods or the Emperor.
But we should note that Professor Charles Hartshorne, the outstanding contemporary exponent of Whiteheadian thought, is himself not prepared to concede that Whitehead's position, nor his own development of that position, lead necessarily to the belief in a personal immortality.
Hobby Lobby doesn't think the government should interfere while its owners attempt to force their personal religious beliefs on their employees.
They believed the only solution was to return to the fundamental certainties and the supernaturalist thought forms of premodern times, The booklets reaffirmed belief in a personal God, the infallibility of the Bible, the deity of Christ, the Virgin Birth, miracles, the bodily resurrection of Jesus, and the substitutionary view of the Atonement.
We are Beam Suntory... One Global Team, comprised of thousands of individuals from around the world with our own unique thoughts and perspectives, work and personal experiences, religious and cultural beliefs, as well as race, gender and age differences.
I think we all know Arsene's personal beliefs on how the business of football should be conducted.
I want to emphasize that I do not think there is anything wrong with having a personal opinion or religious viewpoint, just that statements made from these perspectives should be identified as such so that readers are not mislead into thinking they are reading evidence when they are reading opinion or belief.
We must practice the art of personal responsibility and own up to our feelings, beliefs, thoughts, and actions so that our children can learn to do the same.
Often, she is too kind to those beliefs: Plato did not believe that the world was changeless, the Stoics did not suppress personal affection, Hobbes was not an atheist and Descartes expressly denied that we should think of ourselves as «angels in machines» — though all these claims are believed almost as widely as similar falsehoods about King Canute.
As a personal trainer, the industry knows that it's our thoughts and beliefs systems that actually transform our bodies.
Emotions and Cancer - Amazing case histories and personal reading have led me to believe that emotions and thoughts, including the power of belief, can be of crucial importance in the genesis of serious and less serious disease as well as in their healing.
I don't think this is going to be so much a review as much as it is a rant on the manipulation of the Texas Board of Education to make textbooks feel more in - line with their personal religious beliefs.
It makes the pupil &»; s think about their own personal values and beliefs.
These questions were driven by my personal interests — my passionate belief that critical thinking should play a dominant role in education.
Responsible decisions require that you think about your personal beliefs as well as social and ethical norms.
Over the course of the three - day convening, fellows will also utilize the design thinking process to define the problem that the team will focus upon for the fellowship year, brainstorm and construct mini-pilots, and reflect on personal beliefs about race and equity.
Spiritual Writing Find the balance between the personal and the powerful, and learn how to share your thoughts with readers of differing beliefs or traditions.
It is my personal belief that a dog will not bite without provocation (regardless of how slight and whether we know we are the ones provoking them) and 9 out of 10 times it can be the person's fault due to ignorance, fast movements, moving without thinking, carelessness, not knowing the dog, not having enough time to read the body before the bite or not paying attention etc..
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