Sentences with phrase «thinking about the relationship»

You can increase your retention rate by thinking about your relationship with your subscribers just like you would think of any other relationship.
How should you think about the relationship between established, large businesses and scrappy upstarts like the one you're trying to build?
«Those marketplaces are channeling eyeballs and... as that trend continues retailers are going to have to adapt and they're going to have to think about the relationship they have with the customer in a different type of way, more of a shared relationship than ownership,» he says.
Jackson gave Shaq a copy of Hermann Hesse's Siddartha, a fictional account of the life of Buddha, with the hope that it might make the goofy young centre think about his relationship with material possessions, creating a spiritual change that would, in the end, make him a better player.
Finally, I think this idea from a recent Jason Zweig article is a great way to think about your relationship with the market.
In this issue of Institutional Strategy Quarterly, we explore the details behind our own long - term return assumptions and risk management process while also focusing on ways in which investors can think about the relationships among risk, return, and portfolio construction in this lower - return environment.
Think about the relationship that you would have with your community.
It is observed that every heresy is a truth that has lost its balance, and at present, as well as in the past, flirtation with heresy and heresy itself have attended much thinking about the relationship between God and his creation.
Faith - based charity Marriage Care has backed the proposals, speaking on Premier's News Hour, chief executive, Mark Molden said: «what this is about is saying, look; at a key moment where public services are in front of both expectant mother and expectant father let's give them some support at that crucial juncture to think about their relationship, think about how they might weather the inevitable storms that a new baby brings into a relation ship.
Get a simple blank book and fill the first few pages with happy thoughts about your relationship, clippings of people from magazines (replace their heads with your significant other's), silly hand - drawn pictures, poetry, etc..
Voskamp's use of imagery [in the last chapter of One Thousand Gifts] to show the intimacy of our relationship to God, has raised the question, «If we, as Christians, were supposed to think about our relationship with God in sexual terms, wouldn't God have made that clear in His word?»
After reading the letter it is likely that you will think about this person, think about the relationship between you, and thus find your affection renewed and strengthened.
The second element in this older way of seeing God is an interventionist way of thinking about the relationship between God and the world.
I think about the relationship between forgiveness and being forgiven and the impossibility of redemption until you are willing to forgive and let go.»
With the ongoing discussions about Bruce Waltke's video at the BioLogos website and his subsequent resignation from RTS, as well as the long comment thread here at Evangel about events in Genesis, I thought I would post some thoughts about the relationship between science and religion that....
The father - son imagery was a new use of older, more traditional ways of thinking about the relationship of God to the world and to the people of God.
This phrase is key to John Paul's thinking about the relationship between men and women.
In thinking about my relationship with Jesus, I pictured Jesus somewhere on the outside of me and me on the outside of him.
McCann sent close pals a series of photos of the pair, introduced by mutual friends, and Alli is now said to be having second thoughts about the relationship, which has left Ferne gutted!
Helping Teenagers Who Express Suicidal Tendencies «A majority of people who have depression do not die by suicide; however, having major depression definitely increases the risk of suicide,» Thurston says, adding that another way of thinking about the relationship between depression and suicide is recognizing that more than half of people who die by suicide have had a mood disorder.
During my pregnancy, I spent a lot of time thinking about my relationship with parents.
All you have to do is read about the newlywed Indian woman who is divorcing her hubby because he didn't change his Facebook relationship status from single to married to see that the Internet is rapidly changing how and what we think about relationships and what's acceptable online behavior for our partners.
It is designed to help change the way young people think about relationships, sexuality, pregnancy, birth, and parenting.
For those who do not, look to the Core Beliefs to prepare for an open adoption relationship if you are not yet part of one, to organize your own thoughts about the relationship you are already a part of, and to look at these beliefs as a mechanism for grounding when your relationship feels unsatisfying, tense, or challenged.
It can help us think about the relationships between society, economy and politics.
In order to get near to an answer to this question, we need to think about the relationship between the moral panic of binge drinking and the rhetoric of British nationalism.
Yet despite the furious debate the subject generates among politicians, huge numbers of people do not know what to think about our relationship with Europe.
Bato offers a simple way to think about the relationship between ground deformation and magma overpressure: «Imagine that the volcano's magma chamber is like a balloon.
«Individually, even the act of thinking about our relationship can be enhancing.
«For people who are disseminating PrEP or talking to patients about PrEP, I think it's important to think about their relationships,» Gamarel said.
Rupp has been thinking about the relationship between humans and the natural world for more than thirty years.
But Hookee, for all of his faults, had a sense that Newton could solve these problems and indeed, out of that emerged — almost forced Newton's hand into producing the Principia which truly is a sort of — a turning point in the way one thinks about the relationship between mathematics and physics.
Think about the relationship you experienced and how you felt when you were in those moments of stress and sadness.
What you eat — and how you think about the relationship between your food and your performance — should be different in base phase than it is come competition time.
Wondering how you might think about the relationship.
This is so uplifting & I'm a big fan of thinking positive uplifting thoughts about your relationship!
Each year on February 14th, we find ourselves thinking about our relationships more than usual, celebrating romance, love, and affection.
This makes me think about my relationship with Tim.
When you thinking about Relationship advice, there are numbers of dating advice, tips and guides that you will need in order your date dynamic.
Some people will always worry about what others think about their relationship but some are just opposite to them.
For those flying solo, the end of summer can be a reflective time thinking about your relationship status as you head into the holiday season, kicking off with Labor Day.
We can even phone to them and ask to answer the letters, but they have for example winter, and it gets on their nerves, they feel dark, cold and do not think about any relationship and can't hope for anything, but then the spring comes and the mood changes and she is full of hopes and plans comes to the site each day and only then finds somebody.
If you think that you can face the society than it will be possible for you otherwise you should not think about this relationship.
Many people think about relationship issues and how to solve this type of issue using online dating website.
If you're thinking how to get a lady to have sex with you, you can not go after her in the same way you think about relationship, you have to convert it benefit down.
Let's face it - the holidays come around and the singles among us start thinking about relationships: it's (probably) cold outside, you want someone to snuggle with on the sofa in the evenings, be your plus one at all of your holiday parties, and wear hideous matching Christmas sweaters with.
The first thing you need to know is women are WAY ahead of guys in thinking about their relationships.
Not only do they help you think about your relationship needs, but they also clue your matches in to your strongest likes and dislikes.
However, thinking about a relationship's potential is definitely a smart move.
Don't Mess: Ross Lynch Couldn't Care Less What Anyone Thinks About His Relationship With Courtney Eaton
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