Sentences with phrase «thinking for someone»

The thoughts that were going through my mind at that time: pistachios, bread, and peace, an odd assortment of thoughts for sure.
I don't think its for everyone but its working for us.
Do you not have a brain, or does thinking for yourself appear so daunting a task that you prefer not to do it?
For various reasons, people tend to dread the airport without a spare thought for enjoying the moments prior to boarding.
So, next time you peek in your closet or pick a new outfit to wear just think for a second why & how do you relate to it.
Certainly food for thought for operators who want to show off their space.
The only wish from my husband was too have more sauce... so I will keep it in thoughts for next time.
Think for example of the strong steel frame of a clip - on seat.
So thinking for right now, she's safe.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all.
Your goal is to help your child think for himself, which will in turn help him feel like he has some control over his world.
If you're interested in implementing design thinking in your classroom, visit Design Thinking for Educators for some free resources.
What I learned was that mindfulness isn't about sitting still without thoughts for a prolonged period of time.
Against the background of thought for which morality as such depends on a comprehensive purpose, this doubt threatened to become a more or less complete moral skepticism.
For ex: A test focusing on critical thinking for someone looking to get into a law program.
People think for yourselves and also do your research.
The thing is that while I was creating this diet I was thinking for all my girlfriends who became mothers, but definitely this plan is for everybody.
Thank you for reading my inspirational thoughts for today, if you have any thoughts just let me know in the comments below.
Just goes to show that you can not think for others.
We are never going to know the truth but stop blaming people we are told to blame and start thinking for yourselves.
Sorry, I thought certain things are just kind of obvious to anyone with the capacity to actually think for themselves.
Just stop altogether and create your own site full of references, quotes, and links to other people who think for themselves.
Thoughts for next time: The lime was great.
I spend more time thinking for and about other people.
I have been thinking for about the last year He was saying that the world is fallen.
One scary thought for children would be the fear of becoming a slave for someone.
I'm thinking for school leaders and teachers on the ground, what could they be doing in light of your findings?
Chalk white pieces of candy that keep you from thinking for awhile.
How do you see the main differences between systems thinking for business and for education?
I have a recipe idea list on my phone that I use to write down random thoughts for inspiration.
Health - Mind - Body was created to provide a wealth of knowledge and advice on healthy living and self - healing thought for women.
The judge held that the test to be applied was that of the reasonable and prudent employer taking positive thought for his workers in light of what he knew or ought to have known.
We're still seeing the major pundits thinking the way people have thought for decades about Best Picture: the one the most people vote for wins.
I've been thinking for quite awhile just how i would feel, might respond to this day.
Do I come up with an entire story line first, organizing thoughts for chapters in advance?
Question life and enjoy analytical thought for its own sake.
Just really think for a second about how much it could cost someone if I let them think they were ALWAYS right.
The problem I have is with organized religion and the pressures it brings to stop thinking for one's self.
He / she should possess the leadership quality and strategic thinking for planning and management.
It seems a complicated system and way too much thought for something so seemingly - insignificant.
The first thought for most people is to save the money and collect interest on it.

Phrases with «thinking for someone»

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