Sentences with phrase «thinks about his degree»

Think about the degree of flexibility you need and the group options you can create according to the shapes of the tops and insist on user trials before you purchase.
This led us think about the degree to which Bruce had been aware of this gratitude during his lifetime, and how this might have contributed to his work satisfaction, success and longevity as a recently retired career teacher.

Not exact matches

«If you think about our stock keeping inside the university, there are seven big constructs: class, course, grade, credit, degree, department, major.
Branson says it was understanding the benefits of following your passion versus earning a degree that shifted his thinking about success.
Granted, if an employee is willing to tell you well ahead of time she plans to leave, or is just thinking about leaving, it means she trusts you to an exceptional degree.
To some degree it's our choice how much we want to buy into anxious thoughts, whether they are about work, relationships, or something else.
Activist hedge fund Third Point, which owns about 6 % of Yahoo's stock, pointed out that Thompson did not have a computer science degree, as many had thought, but a mere accounting degree.
Gouw spoke with me about why she's bullish on female entrepreneurs, the scarcity of women graduating with engineering degrees, and the perception that women entrepreneurs lack for confidence and big thinking.
Her best admissions advice: With regard to selling yourself to an admissions team: «I think the biggest mistake people make is that they write about why they're interested in the degree as opposed to what they're bringing to the table.»
«I think that measuring with precision human activity on the climate is something very challenging to do and there's tremendous disagreement about the degree of impact,» he told CNBC.
But I think if we were going to try to simplify this so that it makes a little bit of sense for people I think one of the main reasons that we can talk about why this might be happening comes down to central banks around the globe are playing a major role in the buying and selling of financial assets and an extreme degree.
Michigan has some 70 - degree November days and all I can think about is global warming.
I think rather that what he is saying is this: Revolutionary violence is to such a degree the only possible expression of the Christian faith that, if I suspect that my faith is leading me to become less violent, I am mistaken about the content of the faith and must abandon it; because, having decided for violence, I am sure that I am in the true Christian succession.
David, to what degree do you think this is an issue for the church only and to what degree do you think it is symptomatic of society at large of which the church is part of in keeping with what you say about politics wherever people gather or dwell together?
It is impossible to think about the unthinkable with any degree of regularity.
«Third, Oxford faced the continuing dilemmas of the universal church existing in the world and took a step in clarifying Christian thinking about war and its diagnosis of the degrees of international anarchy.
Just as a matter of interest Bernardo, to what extent do you think people read your posT's and reflect on their content, and to what degree skip over them without much thought about them?
I think to some degree he was also trying to say something to the religious leaders of His day about their own lack of inner righteousness.
In a similar way, moral thinking about war is to a large degree focused not on the shape of future conflicts, but on the moral questions of previous eras.
Most persons do not consciously think about this danger all the time; and this is good, for we should be utterly terrified and unable to live with any degree of efficiency if we did.
As I have argued in these pages and elsewhere, the «presumption,» by detaching the just war way of thinking from its proper political context» the right use of sovereign public authority toward the end of tranquillitas ordinis, or peace» tends to invert the structure of classic just war analysis and turn it into a thin casuistry, giving priority consideration to necessarily contingent in bello judgments (proportionality of means, discrimination or noncombatant immunity) over what were always understood to be the prior ad bellum questions («prior» in that, inter alia, we can have a greater degree of moral clarity about them).
To what degree is time and energy spent thinking about God garbage to be thrown away when getting to the «pearly gates» and to what degree is it being «transformed by the renewing of your mind».
A statement based on ignorance... Mr. Crossan has about 9 gazillion degrees... I think he may know «a little» about what he's talking about... Joshua... you are a narrow minded twit... I shudder to think someone may consider you a «good» Christian... to understand Jesus you have to understand Judaism... if you can not accept Jesus» Jewishness you can not be a Christian...
The kind of orthopraxy that exists among many Christians is a devotional orthopraxy, or a syncretic orthopraxy, and so long as some of the clergy don't know about that, it coexists, and to the degree that some of the clergy find out about it, they get themselves terribly excited and think that they should be able to eradicate it.»
What I think is significant about a person's faith is the degree of belief in whatever it is.
But as we deliberate about what to regulate and to what degree, we also need to think about the benefits.
A fuller explanation of the degrees of satisfaction and evaluation that relational thought envisions would, however, convey the same message about the ultimate importance of personal decisions and their impact on the future.
Though lots of people like to talk about «degrees of faith» this is not a proper way of thinking about biblical faith.
I don't know if you will find my explanation helpful or not, but I try not to think about faith as a percentage or a degree.
This shouldn't be about people — a lot of people can be wrong in their theology (and I think to a certain degree we all are still learning)-- can't we talk about theology without it being offensive to either side?
To your question about authority, I do think the degree to which the scriptures informed the creeds is the key.
My thinking about these things has been shaped to a considerable degree by my own place — the mid-sized metropolitan area of Louisville, Kentucky.
In terms of your critique of my comments on your communication with God, I think you are right about the problems with Scripture (at least to a degree).
I think an employer has a moral obligation to be concerned about the welfare of one's employee's — maybe not legally required (to a degree)-- i wish it were simple that people could just quit an employer that had no concern for the people so that enterprise would go under or wise up — i think though employers are actually more upset about money instead of morals — women and doctors should be deciding such issues — i do not know y i even bother posting since i know these posts will not actually affect anything --
I just don't think it applies to real life, are you going to have «Faith» in your doctor when she is treating your child, of course not (you want to see a degree or at least have knowledge that the doctor knows what she is talking about), if the technician working on your spouses brakes tell you that he doesn't know what he is doing but he has faith that he can fix them, are you going to your spouses life in his hands?
For this very issue, I try out update my personal blogs almost like I am speaking to a person or discussing with that audience directly web site esteem it helps participate people greater than publishing content formally especially when my blog situated surrounding the goings ons, regular thoughts and analysis about this to some degree controversial issue.
I just don't think it applies to real life, are you going to have «Faith» in your doctor when she is treating your child, of course not (you want to see a degree or at least have knowledge that the doctor knows what she is talking about), -------- I do like this analogy.
The author's degrees are in philosophy, not theology, and I think it shows one of his biases when he goes on about where his Mormon counterparts got their degrees.
As you pray, as you spend time in his Word, you begin to develop a relationship with God, and as you learn what He likes and doesn't like, how He thinks, what His ideas are on various subjects, you become able to know with some degree of certainty what God thinks about issues that the Bible doesn't touch on.
I've been thinking a lot about going into health care when I am done my degree, and now is the time to start catching up on what I missed.
And um, I won't lie to you, I was cold yesterday in LA and I think it was about 60 degrees, LOL!!
I have thought a little bit about going to culinary school myself, but then I remember all the student loans I'm paying off from my first two degrees and quickly change my mind!
I was under the temperature by about 30 degrees and thought maybe there was something wrong with the thermometer.
She has high aspirations and with that comes a hefty price... so, I did some research about some colleges, and my jaw just dropped (I don't know why, cause I am in the process of obtaining a Master's degree myself), so, I can not encourage my children enough to think hard about what career path they want to take on.
Also I cooked it as a free form loaf and for about 8 minutes extra to get the center to 210 degrees F. I think I'm on to the Broccoli Cheddar soup next with all of this rain!
It was finally a little cool out; despite the recent arrival of Fall, we've had a lot of 80 degree weather over there and that kept me thinking about peaches instead of... [Continue reading]
Keenen said, initially, after graduating last August with a sociology degree, he started to think about creating his own hot sauce company.
If you think about your traditional steam jacketed pan - ingredients can see temperatures in excess of 130 degrees C - and hence the problems of burn on to the surface.
I don't think you can go wrong with a roast chicken - buy a small chicken, rub with butter, salt, pepper, squeeze over some lemon juice and roast at about 200 degrees for 20 mins per 500g plus another half an hour.
I double foil mine and add a cup of Italian dressing after about 8 - 10 hours of 225 to 250 smoking thinking that I have just about reached the 170 degree mark.
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