Sentences with phrase «third increase»

This was more than one - third increase in less than a month.
The combination of a projected two thirds increase in numbers and our present level of consumption would be environmentally disastrous.
In comparison, an experimental study of class sizes in Tennessee finds that reducing class size by one - third increases test scores by 4 percentile points in the first year at a cost of $ 2,151 per student per year (in 1996 dollars).
Senate Republicans are concerned that businesses, particularly smaller employers, won't be able to afford what would amount to a two thirds increase in pay for workers, from the current $ 9 an hour to $ 15, in just six years.
The central bank is likely due for a pause after raising interest rates twice this summer, but the strength of the labour market will keep Bay Street talking about a third increase before the year is out.
It opted against a third increase last month, but signalled it will do so again in the not - too - distant future.
The Federal Reserve raised the fed funds rate a quarter point to 1.5 percent on December 13, 2017, marking it the third increase in 2017 and...
Net sales in the third quarter of 2017 increased 36.9 % and comparable (a) net sales increased 1.4 % compared to the third quarter of 2016 Equivalent unit case volume in the third quarter of 2017 increased 31.8 % and comparable (a) equivalent unit case volume increased 1.0 % compared to the third
The Association of Health Care providers, which represents around 350 home health care agencies across New York, says many of its members can't afford to pay workers $ 15 an hour, which represents around a one - third increase to the current average pay of between $ 10 and $ 11.50 per hour.
ANDREW LANSLEY: Well, I'm afraid what we've seen in recent years is a two thirds increase in the last nine years in the number of children having their teeth extracted as a consequence of tooth decay; a two thirds increase in nine years.
Only four cytokines [interleukin (IL)-1 α, IL - 4, RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted) and GMCSF (granulocyte macrophage colony - stimulating factor)-RSB- were affected to a significant extent; the levels of the first three cytokines decreased and those of the third increased in knockout mice.
What they actually saw was a 32 %, that's almost a one third increase in their endurance output, meaning they could push themselves further and harder in an endurance activity by over 30 % just by sitting in a sauna or a steam room.
Recently the discussion of inflation has come up after a third increase in CPI which presently stands at 0.4 % month - over-month.
After reaching a low of 3.35 % the first week of May, the national average 30 - year fixed rate now sits at about 4.5 %, a one - third increase that'll add about $ 65 to a monthly payment for every $ 100,000 borrowed.
That's the third increase in the past four weeks, and it represents an increase of more than a point since June.
It was rewarded with a third increase in attendance figures.
This year marks the third increase and amounts to over $ 48.8 million invested in providing access to legal services to an additional 400,000 people.
The first increase took effect on Nov. 1, 2014; the second yesterday; and a third increase is slated for April 1, 2016, at which point income thresholds for families of three will rise to over $ 25,300.
It was the third increase in the past five months.
Robust multifamily lending has prompted the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) to raise its market rate lending caps at both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac twice this year and the door is still open on a third increase before year - end...
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