Sentences with phrase «third month of pregnancy»

Your breasts will produce colostrums around third month of your pregnancy — a thick yellowish substance, which is actually a special type of milk beneficial for your baby.
You think you're over-whelmed, but I can't imagine this comparing to what a woman goes through the second and third month of pregnancy.
Nausea should subside by about the third month of pregnancy.
During the second and third month of pregnancy, gums may begin to become a bit swollen, irritated and may even bleed a little.
This week, you are entering the third month of pregnancy.
Colostrum, the first milk, has been present since the third month of pregnancy.
This unwanted change usually becomes more noticeable around the third month of pregnancy.
It is safe to massage your belly after the third month of pregnancy since the baby is protected by the amniotic fluid.
Constipation tends to start as early as progesterone levels rise, around the second to third month of pregnancy.
I joined the nutrition knowledge training conducted by Save the Children during my third month of pregnancy.
German research shows Vitex can be taken safely through the end of the third month of pregnancy and may help prevent miscarriage.
Vitex is still considered safe to take after the third month, but it is thought that it may stimulate lactation too early, so for this reason it is suggested to not continue after the third month of pregnancy.
You may not traditionally wear bras to sleep but after the third month of pregnancy your nipples are likely to start producing colostrum, the milk your body produces for a newborn.
During the second and third month of pregnancy the struggle to fit into your pre-pregnancy pants gets real!
For 23 years, she developed and implemented a program of classes for new parents in Hawaii, working with families from the third month of pregnancy to the third year of life.
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