Sentences with phrase «third possibility»

We are now in the tragic third possibility inasmuch as man has been more successful in making engines than in achieving the will and wisdom to use his engines for humane purposes.
There is a third possibility: this time is different.
Then again, there is a third possibility: You are locked in a battle for digital supremacy with Google (GOOG), and don't give a whit about who gets hurt in the process.
That feels like the third possibility we should be discussing: that Cohen has nothing of value to tell federal prosecutors about Trump, because they never engaged in criminal wrongdoing together.
A third possibility is to create physical distance.
There is a third possibility: that Uber broadly and Kalanick specifically are in big trouble when it comes to Waymo's lawsuit against the company, and that Benchmark is making clear that it is not culpable.
That opens the door for considering a third possibility: a range - bound market that churns to and fro but ultimately goes nowhere fast.
A third possibility is the fee - based planner.
The third possibility — which features both the biggest potential risk and the most intriguing possible payoff — would have investors play the possibility of a true «spike» in gold prices through the purchase of a long - dated gold call option, perhaps one of those traded by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on gold futures (see the «Actions to Take» section that follows).
The third possibility is to create a system of cooperating cultures, united by certain common commitments required to adjudicate conflicts, but still preserving the group identities that give the separate cultures their distinctiveness.
Is a third possibility a real one, some way of acknowledging the power and value of «fairy» that is not simply to accept either the domestic illusion or the larger and more dreadful nihilistic fantasy?
Neoclassical theism offers a third possibility according to which we do not survive death in the form of having an after - death career of new experiences, but according to which this lack of an after - death career does not reduce us to nothing because there is, in Whiteheadian terminology, an «objective immortality of the past.»
A third possibility is what might be called a group counseling image.
A third possibility is that, on some issues at least, he may be planning some changes and that de-emphasis would be a first step to acceptance.
Rather than insisting that J. B.'s repentance and acceptance of life is some third possibility opposing those offered by the Godmask and Satanmask, the new ending leaves our interpretation of his actions open.
A third possibility is intermediate to the other two.
The two alternatives here exhaust the possibilities: motion from P is not a third possibility: rather must it be seen in the light of the two.
And so, I say only that, in these conditions, a third possibility might emerge, in which the old nations and the old religion will appear as a priceless resource — if only because we have no other.
We rule out the third possibility of veridical experience on the testimony of Luke in Acts, who reports a light from heaven and a voice, which we take to be hallucinatory accompaniments.
Either all must work out their own salvation in fear and trembling, or all must rejoice in the goodness and mercy of the Lord; there is no third possibility.
I would add a third possibility — that the NT texts are simply fiction.
And actually your third possibility, that god is irrational and capricious, is actually far worse than the other two possibilities.
A third possibility: there never was a God at all.
There is a third possibility, namely, a world of chance and of purpose.
There is a third possibility: one of neither pure determinism nor pure chance alone, but chance and purpose together.
A third possibility is to inquire whether marriage and celibacy exhaust the possibilities of an obedient sexuality.
However there is another passage in Process and Reality which presents a third possibility.
In my comment a couple of days ago I went through a thought experiment concerning the third possibility above and arrived at the following — if existence just is, then it was not created (either from God or out of nothingness) and therefore it has always been here (remember I'm talking about all of existence, not a conceivably lesser object like the universe).
I suggest this third possibility best represents Whitehead's position on unmediated prehensions.
A third possibility was that missionaries would limit themselves to founding autonomous congregations of new converts.
The third possibility, a draw between the Reds and Sky Blues, puts Arsenal and Man City even on points at 40, with Arsenal moving to 3rd on goal difference.
Third possibility is represented by Chicharito Hernandez, forward of Red Devils, who is not appreciated by David Moyes.
A third possibility is «the system», or an employee of the system.
«Too Tory...» «Not Tory enough...» Well, I think it's the former, too, but I notice that not even the Fabian Society advances the third possibility: «People are warming to Labour instead».
A third possibility is that Trump was in some way concerned about the Russia investigation.
Many Tory backbenchers have contemplated a third possibility, in which the Lib Dems drop down to a «confidence and supply» arrangement in which they allow the Conservatives to remain in power as a minority government for the 12 months before May 2015.
A third possibility is that Labour have reached a ceiling in their support — Jeremy Corbyn may be very popular among Labour supporters, but he is anathema to others and the alternative of Corbyn's Labour is propping up Conservative support that might otherwise be faltering.
The third possibility was that the universe was poised at a critical knife - edge between these two options, in a perpetual steady state.
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