Sentences with phrase «thirst as»

«We recommend using your thirst as a guide,» he says.
WATER: Nestle Taps China Water Thirst as West Spurns Plastic 14.
You'll need to balance your mood, hunger, and thirst as you scavenge for items and trade with fellow migrants.
After dinner, sit by the waterhole and watch the animals quench their thirst as the evening approaches.
The Backpacker recommends that you use your own thirst as a guide and offer water to your dog whenever you stop to drink, i.e., every 15 to 30 minutes, depending on trail difficulty and temperature.
Your pet should have plenty of filtered or bottled water as he will experience increased thirst as a result of the liver disease.
Other diseases may also cause an increase in thirst as well, so having a veterinarian check your pet is a good idea.
Physical symptoms can become obvious for dogs that are experiencing kidney failure for they will vomit, have a lack of appetite, increased urination and have excessive thirst as well as weight loss.
Cats aren't as sensitive to thirst as dogs.
Many health conditions have thirst as a symptom ranging from fever to kidney disease, overactive thyroid glands to cancer.
An excessive thirst as well as peeing frequently could indicate kidney problems.
The twin - turbocharged six - cylinder develops quite a thirst as it exercises.
Parched minds become satisfied with minimum learning expectations and some, especially as they approach middle and high school, begin to believe that school can not quench their thirst as well as other societal options.
Not only do you not sense thirst as readily as someone younger, your kidneys don't act as quickly to conserve water when you're not drinking enough.
Some mothers will experience an intense thirst as their baby latches on.
Your body can accidentally interpret thirst as hunger, so set it straight by chugging H2O throughout the day.
First of all, more often than not, we fail to understand that our bodies are dehydrated because we're not used to drinking adequate amounts of water every day — we tend to interpret thirst as hunger and proceed to stuff ourselves with the first food item in sight.
The upshot: it's becoming increasingly difficult to slake the world's thirst as the population grows and water supplies dwindle.
Studies tell us that young athletes may not follow their thirst as an indicator to drink fluids, and may even ignore it, distracted by other events.
This is also the same as their state of hunger, diaper rashes, colics, thirst as well as diaper - changing need.
Parker's Turner, far from being a Sunday school martyr, is depicted as a slowly radicalized leader, who, in the end, thirsts as much for bloody retribution as freedom.

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I gulped down lunch a few minutes later, feeling as though both my hunger and my thirst for useless knowledge had been satiated.
Sometimes thirst is manifested as hunger.
To effectively manage its overwhelmingly young workforce, Facebook has adopted a set of somewhat unconventional set of management techniques, The Wall Street Journal reports, one that caters to employees» thirst for freedom and control as well as their aversion to inertia and top - down leadership.
Richard's businesses support his thirst for adventure and experiences just as much as those adventures support his business goals.
So much so, says John Cacioppo, that the absence of social connection triggers the same, primal alarm bells as hunger, thirst and physical pain.
As much as analysts thirst for spreadsheets and pivot tables, they also desire team members who can guide the decision making procesAs much as analysts thirst for spreadsheets and pivot tables, they also desire team members who can guide the decision making procesas analysts thirst for spreadsheets and pivot tables, they also desire team members who can guide the decision making process.
Another is the organic sense, which is the sense of your internal condition such as hunger or thirst.
Fears of similar upsets appear to be holding back investment flows into government bonds, while thirst for income has boosted other fixed income assets such as credit.
As human beings we can't know it all, and only through a constant thirst for information and learning can we achieve something valuable in this arena.
Even China's thirst for oil is diminishing as economic growth there shifts into a lower gear.
At the same time, the U.S.'s thirst for petroleum fuels has stalled as vehicles become more efficient.
St Augustine said that God rubs salt on our lips to provoke a keener thirst for his presence, and as I travel around the UK, praying and talking with a lot of leaders, I see more and more salty lips.
He defines the alcoholic's obsessive - compulsive appetites as «thirst for transcendence... perverted into a thirst for alcohol.»
The specific gravity of water is as much a necessary outcome of its ultimate constitution as its freezing - point, or its thirst - quenching and cleansing functions (PT 201).
Reconciliation is hard and humbling, this is true, and it's also startlingly beautiful as if we were hiking through the woods at the base of the mountain and then we suddenly come face - to - face with a powerful waterfall, raining down from the glaciers at the top, ready to quench our thirst.
Meanwhile, the thirst for Christian unity expressed itself through other channels as well.
As a boarder at an Anglican school I had a thirst for God but disregard for religion.
But precisely because we are not self - contained ready - made entities which can be conceived equally well as being near to you or remote from you; precisely because in us the self - subsistent individual who is united to you grows only insofar as the union itself grows, that union whereby we are given more and more completely to you: I beg you, Lord, in the name of all that is most vital in my being, to hearken to the desire of this thing that I dare to call my soul even though I realize more and more every day how much greater it is than myself, and, to slake my thirst for life, draw me — through the successive zones of your deepest substance — into the secret recesses of your inmost heart.
But as shocking and painful as all these losses were, my instinctive response shocked me even more: the rage, the blame - shifting, the thirst for revenge, the bitter arrogance, the self - justified resentment, the dark self - righteousness, the control - hungry manipulation, the deluded rationalization, the deep selfishness, the perverted sense of entitlement.
From all these discoveries, each of which plunges him a little deeper into the ocean of energy, the mystic derives an unalloyed delight, and his thirst for them is unquenchable; for he will never feel himself sufficiently dominated by the powers of the earth and the skies to be brought under God's yoke as completely as he would wish.
It opens with the psalmist evoking his longing for God as a bud of animal thirst.
Thirsty persons are invited to take and drink of the water of life freely, and are pronounced blessed; and it is promised, that they shall be filled, or satisfied; yet not so in this life, that they shall never thirst or desire more; for as they need more grace, and it is promised them, they thirst after it, and desire it; and the more they taste and partake of it, the more they desire it.
As He approaches death, He says from the Cross, «I thirst
Am I then really all that which other men tell of, or am I only what I know of myself, restless and longing and sick, like a bird in a cage, struggling for breath, as though hands were compressing my throat, yearning for colors, for flowers, for the voices of birds, thirsting for words of kindness, for neighborliness, trembling with anger at despotisms and petty humiliation, tossing in expectation of great events, powerlessly trembling for friends at an infinite distance, weary and empty at praying, at thinking, at making, faint and ready to say farewell to it all.
So instead of the repugnant idea of the crucifixion as satisfaction of a divine blood thirst, we have instead a paradigm of self - sacrificing love for others, calling people to God and to right relation.
Hittinger correctly points out that this new Thomism finds its point of reference in the human experience: «The Church has held Thomas as the master because humans themselves thirst for the kind of wisdom Thomas pursued and taught.
The «more primitive elements of animal consciousness — palpable hunger and thirst, fear and rage, pleasure and pain — are as clearly evolutionary adaptations to an ever more elaborate ecosystem as fur and feathers, toes and digits, eyes and ears.»
Far from conforming human persons to a philosophical system, the Church has held Thomas as the master because humans themselves thirst for the kind of wisdom Thomas pursued and taught.
As Shamblin puts it in The Weigh Down Diet, the purpose of a Christ - centered diet program is to «learn how to replace head hunger with the will of God so that you transfer this urge for a pan of brownies to that of hungering and thirsting after righteousness.»
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