Sentences with phrase «thirst cues»

Most healthy adults will hit the right amount by following their own thirst cues.
As long as your child is drinking enough milk, offer water with some meals, as well as when your child says she's hungry — kids often misread their thirst cues as hunger.

Not exact matches

Encourage a child to follow his bodily cues for hunger and thirst, to eat when he is hungry and stop when he is full
A nursing mom usually finds that her appetite and thirst increase while she's breastfeeding, and she should listen to her body's cues.
New mamas typically get an intense feeling of thirst each time they begin to breastfeed, a cue from our bodies that we really need to drink lots of water during this time.
Bottom line: Look out for the thirst and hunger cues above, and drink or eat up as needed.
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