Sentences with phrase «thorough cooking»

Some diarrhea illnesses are spread by food, so careful washing of produce and thorough cooking of meat and eggs is advised.
Even thorough cooking does not make cracked eggs safe to eat.
Benefit: Soft steaming offers a more consistent and thorough cooking method.
Spread on a sheet pan and roast for 30 minutes, stirring half way thorough the cooking time.
Also, old beans will not soften even with thorough cooking.
This toxicity is neutralized by thorough cooking, however, which Tanya made sure to explain in a note included in the package.
Wash and scrub yams thoroughly, then cut several small slits in each yam skin for thorough cooking.
Thorough cooking of food ensures that all the bacteria that might have been in the food do not survive.
You don't need a thorough cooking here since the beef is going to go back on the heat later.
Like most earnest «cue in the state, the emphasis at Dreamland is on the quality of the meat and slow and thorough cooking, which both tenderizes and infuses the food with a smoky, sweet tang.
While good hygiene and thorough cooking can effectively prevent infection, there are still more than 280,000 cases in the UK and the cost to the economy is estimated at up to # 900 million each year.
Keeping the lid on the pan will allow the steam to gather and give the broccoli a good, thorough cooking.
Hence, I recommend that all acne patients give spinach a thorough cooking to deactivate the oxalates...
Wondering if meat left on the bone for the duration of simmering the stock holds any beneficial nutrients after such a thorough cooking?
(ref) Thorough cooking and processing of meat can destroy much of its vitamin B6 content.
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