Sentences with phrase «though living on a budget»

Remember to remind your child that even though living on a budget isn't always easy or fun, it will be worth the effort in order to live a more financially stable lifestyle.

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Recall «David,» the everyman who appeared on the first page of Morneau's first budget in 2016: «Though he loved the community he lived in as a child, when it came time to buy his own family home, [David] had to look elsewhere.
I have had repeated conversations and pleaded with our mayor in Salem (who is a mother herself) where I live to help volunteer, write grants, and work on upgrading the school lunch program, and even though she cares, it is not a priority — especially when budgets are tight for good teachers and other necessary school supplies.
Based on Office for Budget Responsibility and ONS assumptions, though GDP per person is assumed to grow by 32 % over the period, the living standards for low - and middle - income households are projected to stagnate with real disposable incomes growing by just 2 % and 9 % respectively, it is also claimed.
There's a certain class of low - budget indie filmmaking that's become almost its own recognizable style — full of ordinary people just trying to find happiness in unorthodox ways, hand - held close - up shots, montages of locations (easily recognized if you live in the area where they're shot, but not particularly tied to the story, which could take place anywhere) with light music underneath, a tendency to shift focus amateurishly (though I think often on purpose as part of the style), a lot of contemplative pauses and awkward conversations.
If you do need to factor in machine costs, you'll eat about 1/4 of that budget without even thinking about it (this really depends on the area you live in, though... machine costs can vary in price by quite a bit — but be careful — machinist's abilities vary greatly as well).
Even though I live on a tight budget, I tend to be even MORE careful and frugal when I'm spending with cash.
Even though it is known for its high - cost of living, travelling to Australia can be done on a budget.
Even though we've hopefully put your mind at ease, it's important to remember that your life insurance premium is one of the most important recurring line items on your budget.
Therefore, for someone who is on a fixed budget, a permanent life insurance policy may be a good option — even though these policies will oftentimes start out with a higher premium cost than a comparable term insurance policy with the same amount of death benefit.
Though, there are users who would like to get at least a good camera and battery life out of the budget phone that they've spent their money on.
Even though they do usually cost less than those you'd find in a retail furniture store, because we live on a budget, it's a pretty big deal everytime we bring home another piece.
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