Sentences with phrase «though most social networks»

Even though most social networks might be set up to strongly favor recent posts, nearly all have search and have some sort of functionality enabling users to come across any post, no matter how old.

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Google, though, brings in most of its advertising revenue through its dominant Internet search engine, a weapon that Facebook is trying to counter with a recently introduced feature, called Graph Search, which makes it easier for its users to find information within its social network.
Though social networking is the most online activity in emerging countries like India, the craze is almost getting perished in countries like the U.S.,...
Though it's good to see how a well - funded and well - organized campaign approaches online social networks, most political organizations won't have to resources to do in - depth outreach and build a devoted cadre of super-activists — much less cultivate their own walled gardens.
But regardless of their additional options, most CRMs still use mass email as their primary weapon, though some have begun to include social networking messaging options.
With all their social media and online tech savvy, I bet the Turkish protesters are still keeping a close watch out for undercover police and intelligence officers, though, since a hidden network is only as safe as its most trustworthy member.
The micro-blogging tool / social network Twitter was the most prominent tool used at first, along with live - streaming video, though some of the activists involved have just created a site where you can learn more about what's up (quick work, guys).
Since the internet turns out to have an «off» button, most of the actual on - the - street organizing in Iran seems to have been done via word - of - mouth, text messaging, phone calls and other one - to - media, though many announcements have also been posted on websites and online social networks.
The youngest age group, 18 - to 29 - year - olds, are the most likely to do social networking on the tablet, though young adults are no more likely to share news.
The releasing of the streak reward system from kills may well prove the most important upgrade in terms of the online playing field, though the social networking and group definition elements brought in by Elite could well bring about a shining new era in which players on public servers never again need face the barrage of slurs and insults from let's say «over-enthusiastic» teenagers.
Though high - tech gadgets like the iPad are the most visible manifestation of technology's impact on the comic world, it seems that less flashy tools like social networking and crowdfunding could have the more lasting effect, not only on how artists create, but on what they create.
Even though social networks open some completely new avenues to gathering data and interacting, for the most part they are just valuable tools for use in traditional processes according to a recent Deloitte report.
But I'm most struck by the wise advice of Make a human connection — I take this to mean that even though we have such great information sources available to us (Social Networks, Online directories, even job ads), those who spend most of their job search depending on a computer screen will likely end up being very frustrated.
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