Sentences with phrase «though other bishops»

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To be fair to the bishop though, if you've got guns so big that suit coats can literally no longer contain them, what other options do you have?
We find some affinity with some of the other Movements: like them we have grown and flourished though on a more modest scale and with a quite different style: we are much smaller, we are not international, we own no properties or schools, and our priests are all diocesan, working in parishes under the direction of their bishops.
Mr Barros and other Karadima - trained bishops never acknowledged having witnessed his abuse, even though his victims have long placed them at the scene.
The Congregation for Bishops (which in Cardinal Marc Ouellet has a firmly Ratzingerian prefect, who may well with the appointment of Mgr Egan be confirming that England's problems have at last been noticed in Rome) will soon be making a good number of other episcopal appointments in England, and they will be relying on Archbishop Mennini's advice; it has been surmised (though as far as I know, unsupported speculation is all it is) that Cardinal Ouellet is waiting for the retirement of Cardinal Murphy O'Connor from his Congregation before he moves ahead with these appointments, though he wasn't deterred from appointing Mgr Egan before this event.
Though Catholic bishops and other church officials in each country purport to adhere to the same theological underpinnings and Church teachings, there are glaring differences in their official responses.
If the bishops and other negative absolutists would speak of tradition, let them speak of it in its full ambiguity and subtlety, instead of acting as though the tradition were a simplistic, Platonic negative floating through time untouched by contradiction, nuance or complexity.
Even though Cuomo had assured Timothy Cardinal Dolan and other bishops it was a done deal.
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