Sentences with phrase «though other studies»

Though other studies have contested this.
Though other studies have shown this type of training at least temporarily affects users» eating habits, the researchers want to know what will happen over a course of two months.
Psychologist, Dr. James F. Paulson notes that research has found that most dads who deal with postnatal depression, experience it within three to six months after their child is born (though other studies have found that it can occur gradually for up to one year after the child is born).

Not exact matches

One of the most exciting things about studying Musk and other breakthrough innovators is that it reveals that even though these people often have special, difficult - to - imitate abilities or traits, the mechanisms by which these abilities and traits lead to innovation are often something we can tap ourselves.
What's more, there was a contagion effect — not only did those divulging find themselves leaving discussions worse off, but their partners were also adversely effected,» says Quartz of studies focused on adolescent girls (though apparently the same thing has been observed in other contexts, too).
Though the study focused on Twitter, it seems likely that its results would be similar on other platforms.
That study, led by William Bozeman, M.D., of Wake Forest University School of Medicine, found that Tasers «appear to be very safe, especially when compared to other options police have for subduing violent or combative suspects... [though] that is not to say that injuries and deaths are impossible.»
«A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found that from 1998 to 2008, leafy greens were associated with more incidents of food poisoning than any other single food category (though contaminated poultry led to more deaths),» Harrington reports.
Vancouver is a case study in how global trends or any other external economic pressure can play a major financial role in the games (though overspending was also to blame).
Even though I grew up in a strong Christian family and studied theology in college, I realize it is as likely a story as many others.
Even though interest has increased, it has not been the object of an extensive study since Stauffer's Christ and the Caesars in 1955 and has only played a significant part in a handful of other published works.
Even though I have been fellowshipping with other believers in studying the Bible for a year, I haven't been to a church or supporting a pastor for a few years really....
Though revelation stands at the center and the proper study for the Jew is not simply man, but man confronted by God, we encounter the image of God when we encounter the Arnoldian best that has been thought and said, and we understand ourselves and others better when we confront the voice of the other.
So that even though the end result can only happen on a personal level, it is definitely better than nothing and it's not like for those others that getting their own perspective through study plus prayer plus trying out the gospel principles is unavailable because it is it available; quite available.
Though younger students are much less likely to be married than older ones — and although marriage in this and other Auburn studies is closely and positively associated with students» economic comfort levels — younger students are much more likely to be full - time students.
Though their course of study is longer and their debt load higher, rabbinical students, as a group, have most of the characteristics of «quality» that other groups say they want.
Rather than envisioning the individual personality as an object for study as though it were an independent, discrete entity, Sullivan believed that personality manifests itself only in relation to others.
But there are other phenomena that have come to attention in recent years about homosexual behavior among women — phenomena which, even though lacking careful study, are suggestive enough to warrant, preliminary comment.
Inasmuch as these authors did not limit themselves to a discussion of primitive society, though they did concentrate on non-Christian religions, a rapprochement between sociological and socio - psychological studies, on the one hand, and the efforts of the school of «comparative religions» (F. Max Mueller, C. P. Tiele, W. Robertson Smith), on the other, was effected.
Even though interest has increased, it has not been the object of an extensive study since Stauffer's Christ and the Caesars in 1955 and has only played a significant part in a handful of other...
In the last years of his life his influence was further underscored in that others began to write books about him — a trend that was to intensify after his death so that now we see a steady stream of theses, monographs and studies coming out each year, though we still await the authorized biography to be done by his old friend John Howard Griffin.
Furthermore, according to Sen, the study of economics, though directly related to the pursuit of wealth, is at a deeper level linked to other studies which involve the assessment and enhancement of more basic goals.
In Islamic studies and other classes, though, students reported: «We are encouraged, really encouraged, to think about right and wrong and what we think is right, what we think is wrong....
I am tempted to lay aside for a moment the exegetical methods of this study and ask them whether they have never experienced a dream which has made them happier than any other experience, even though they have only been sleeping.
When I left The Church, I began to study other religions and began to see how divisive religion truly is... even though everyone says they «believe» in God.
Humboldt states in his monograph on the dual that, though the study of language should be pursued for its own sake, it «resembles other branches of learning in not having its ultimate purpose in itself but that it conforms to the general purpose of interest in the human mind to help humanity to realize its true nature and its relation to everything visible and invisible around and above itself.»
Though the statement, «I believe I have a good mix of personal devotional practices, and prayer and Bible study shared with others,» might loosely reflect Colossians 1:9 and 3:16, Paul — or whoever wrote Colossians — would never have put it that way.
Kelly's summary of the trends in the curriculum of Oberlin Seminary applies to many others as well: «The program of study was changing from the dogmatic to the practical, from the ecclesiocentric to the socio - centric... «34 More recent examinations show the continuation of these emphases in our time though they also show a revival of interest in systematic and exegetical theology and in the Biblical languages.
Though I haven't studied other world religions as extensively as you have, Jesus is the only option for me, as well; everything about Jesus attracts and compels me... thanks and peace!
It took years of studying the history in which the Bible was written, learning about the other influences that often aren't taught in religious settings... and considering those religious influences, as well as the scientific and philosophical influences... to reach to the conclusions I have reached today — though I admit they still aren't and never will be perfect (like when I said IT doesn't care.
When linked with other information, though, these smaller studies make a significant contribution to the overall picture.
It is the purpose of this volume to present certain studies of the gospel at the point where the oral tradition was being crystallized in writing; and for this reason we shall pay chief attention to the Gospel of Mark, though the other early source or cycle — Q, the «Sayings Source» — will also engage our attention now and then, But we can not deal with that source in detail at present; indeed, we shall not have the time to deal adequately with Mark, and can study only some of its leading features and the problems to which these give rise.
In Obergefell, Kennedy's claim was that although historically the interpretation of a fundamental right to marry has not included same - sex couples, the «referenda, legislative debates, and grassroots campaigns; studies and other writings; and extensive litigation in state and federal courts» has led to an «enhanced understanding» of how the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the 14th amendment contain a right for same - sex couples to marry that was really there all along, though until now unseen.
Other symptoms of this new spirit are to be found in the increased interest in the common worship of the academic community, though this is by no means universally evident; in the widespread and intensive discussions of faculties about the purpose and organization of the course of study; in the experiments that are being carried on to relate the work of the seminary more intimately to the work of other church agencies, particularly to the local churOther symptoms of this new spirit are to be found in the increased interest in the common worship of the academic community, though this is by no means universally evident; in the widespread and intensive discussions of faculties about the purpose and organization of the course of study; in the experiments that are being carried on to relate the work of the seminary more intimately to the work of other church agencies, particularly to the local churother church agencies, particularly to the local churches.
A free PDF of the book (for printing on your computer to use for Bible studies — please don't share the whole thing with others though!)
Testbiotech pointed out this study and the unintended effects of Golden Rice which «show genetic instability if they are crossed with other varieties; these were not discussed by FSANZ even though they are also relevant for food safety».
There are other factors at play though, and many recent studies have shown that the micro biome in our guts that is the foundation of our immune system and a major factor in hormone production is key to overall health.
Rest assured, that though each manufacturer may have slight variations in their formula, there has been no study that shows that one brand is better than any other brand.
The proportion of children who begin life without a resident father is higher in Britain that in most other European countries, though in a 2005 study 45 % of non-resident fathers had attended the birth.
Simple lessons in other cultures don't have to be limited to textbook studies, though.
Other studies have highlighted similar factors.19 20 21 Though attempts are being made to try to simulate home birth in hospital — a midwife known to the patient arranging delivery in a non-clinical environment close to a specialist unit — some women will continue to choose home birth.
The site also goes on to state that even though breast stimulation releases oxytocin, the aforementioned studies that were conducted (as well as others, mainly in the 1970s and 1980s) to support the idea of breast stimulation as a viable way to induce labor were poorly designed.
Though you might not experience fetal hiccups for yourself, it's very likely that all babies do hiccup in the womb, with some hiccuping more than others, according to a study in the Journal Of Comparative Psychology.
Even though the study was conducted in Canada, where attitudes toward midwifery are more accepting than in some other countries, the findings may help to calm an ongoing controversy in the United States and elsewhere.
Other studies suggest the opposite, though they are much smaller than the ones by the Mindell group.
The initiative was introduced to the United Kingdom in 1993, but, although improvements have been reported, 3 rates of breast feeding in the UK are still among the lowest in the world.4 5 Recent reports from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) urge NHS units to become baby friendly to improve rates of breast feeding and save money.4 6 Data from the millennium cohort study, however, show that though participating maternity units in the UK increased rates of initiation of breastfeeding, duration did not increase.5 Other strategies are therefore required to support mothers in the UK to breast feed for the recommended time.
Another health benefit (that I don't think as been studied) but that I have heard plenty of anecdotal evidence for: sick toddlers will likely still nurse (though they may not feel like eating or drinking other fluids), which can help them stay hydrated and nourished through a cold or the flu.
The study was conducted before social networking had become such a buzz topic and doesn't cover it, though other coverage would suggest it's still rare.
Americans spent $ 14.8 billion in 2007 on herbal supplements and other natural health products, even though numerous recent studies have shown that ginkgo, echinacea, St. John's wort and others are relatively ineffective against many of the ills they have claimed to help.
Kadouri and the other researchers have done many studies, though none in humans yet, to try to answer that question.
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