Sentences with phrase «though teacher turnover»

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Overall, we find that high - poverty schools appear to improve as a result of teacher turnover, though as in all schools, not all turnover is the same.
Contact: Adam Rabinowitz: 202-266-4724, [email protected] Jackie Kerstetter: 814-440-2299, [email protected], Education Next D.C.'s high - stakes teacher evaluations raise teacher quality, student achievement 90 % of the turnover of low - performing teachers occurs in high - poverty schools July 27, 2017 — Though the Every Student Succeeds Act excludes any requirements for states about teacher evaluation policies, the results from a once - controversial high - stakes system -LSB-...]
The nuance is much more interesting, though, and it presents a far different story than just «teacher turnover is bad» or «teacher turnover is fine.»
Mary Bousted, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers, told Schools Week: «Schools are so desperate for teachers they are prepared to hire them on these short - term visas even though it means there will be rapid turnover of staffTeachers and Lecturers, told Schools Week: «Schools are so desperate for teachers they are prepared to hire them on these short - term visas even though it means there will be rapid turnover of staffteachers they are prepared to hire them on these short - term visas even though it means there will be rapid turnover of staff.»
The last comparison though, examining those teachers who transferred from the DB pension plan to the DC hybrid plan does show a relationship between pension structure and teacher turnover.
Though low salaries are among the things teachers who quickly leave the profession cite as an issue — as well as inadequate administrative support, isolated working conditions and poor student discipline — On the Path to Equity recommends a comprehensive induction program to help support new teachers and possibly curb turnover rates.
The high - pressure atmosphere at Success leads to substantial teacher turnover, though the precise rate is unclear.
But we can not allow ourselves to think that we have won and sink into complacency; the enemies of public education have struck a significant blow here, and though the changes will not be visible in the halls of our schools immediately, it will not take long before we see the effects, among the most visible of which is likely to be the high teacher turnover which is so harmful to a school, whether caused by getting fired for having the wrong kind of students or simply becoming demoralized by being made scapegoats for society's ills.
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