Sentences with phrase «thought of an advanced material»

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Prepare as much content in advance as you can, including approved text, Tweets, links to supporting materials, infographics, photos, supporter quotes and anything else you can think of.
«I think this work is a real advance,» says materials scientist Daniel Jaque of the Autonomous University of Madrid, who was not involved in the study.
The script by del Toro and Matthew Robbins — and, based on the advance material at the time, Steven Soderbergh and John Sayles in uncredited assists — manages to cleverly incorporate elements from mad - scientist movies, giant - insect flicks and traditional monster - on - the - loose tales, and the mere thought of roach - like critters the size of Sylvester Stallone will unnerve anyone with even a hint of a bug phobia.
But the one subject where it is most likely to happen is in fact math, where administrators may think that a certain level of accomplishment is necessary before algebra or some other advanced math material can be introduced.
She describes her work as «being physical explorations into thinking, feeling, communicating and relating» and is influenced by the pioneering work of Melanie Klein (1882 — 1960), the Austrian - born British psychologist who advanced the field of child psychology by devising therapeutic techniques where children were invited to experiment and play with materials, asserting the importance of non-linguistic (i.e. Freudian) responses to our relationship with the world.
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