Sentences with phrase «thoughtful exploration»

Such financial strain demands careful analysis, detailed fiscal models, and thoughtful exploration of alternate spending scenarios.
This a film of many moving narrative parts — parallel storylines, deep thought - provoking themes, and thoughtful explorations of the human experience.
Students have to recognize the difference between productive failure and unproductive success, and teachers must design their classroom systems and structures to reinforce thoughtful exploration.
The style of the questionnaires varies, with some requesting thoughtful explorations of policy issues and others listing pages of yes / no questions.
Careful and thoughtful exploration with the client about the good times in the marriage and the positive parenting traits of the other side will give the attorney much information about both parties, and will tell the attorney just how balanced a view the client holds.
If you're looking for a hack - n - slash RPG, you'll be disappointed by Ninja Theory's thoughtful exploration of mental illness.
32, has made somewhat of a name for himself with a popular investing podcast, an online book club and his thoughtful exploration of cryptocurrencies.
I've thought of a dozen different posts to mark today — maybe a soap box rant, a beautiful reflection, a blood - pumping manifesto, a thoughtful exploration of the themes presented?
Animal Madness is much more: It's a riveting, thoughtful exploration of the «emotional thunderstorms» and physiological imbalances other species can experience as intensely as humans do.
With short sections, breakout boxes, and illustrations, the book offers a lot: a history lesson, an introduction to yoga philosophy, a discussion of different yogas — for example, jnana, bhakti, and raja yogas — a thoughtful exploration of the eight limbs of yoga, a road map to the body's subtle energy system, and an explanation of common mantras.
The original Prime, released in 2002, was a near - perfect blend of sci - fi shooting and thoughtful exploration.
This time we're watching a freak - out horror movie wrapped in a thoughtful exploration of the...
After a slow start, this film - about a former boy genius (George Clooney) and a current girl genius (Britt Robertson) traveling to a city outside time and space - becomes a delightful and thoughtful exploration of the ways in which the future, the concept and promise of it, function in human life.
Because Black Panther isn't just a crowd - pleasing superhero movie (though it is that for sure), it's a vital moment in cinema history and a heartfelt, thoughtful exploration of the scars of colonialism and the hope for healing.»
While this book is about the pain and awkwardness of adolescence, it is also a thoughtful exploration of the devastation that poverty, racism, and alcoholism have wreaked on Native American communities.
Whether in the classroom or in the wilderness, his trademark questions fostered conversation, thoughtful explorations, and intense exchanges of ideas, leaving an indelible impression on friends, family, and generations of students.
- Gail Tsukiyama, award - winning author of The Samurai's Garden and The Street of a Thousand Blossoms «This is an intelligent and thoughtful exploration of the terrifying isolation that can come from loss of language.
Tucker's debut stands out for its ingenious, multilayered plotting, its juicy depiction of shady journalism and its thoughtful exploration of questions of race and class.
Though a somewhat typically surreal work that contains DeLillo's signature ruminations on humanity and its foibles, the book is also a thoughtful exploration of the relationship between a father and a son — and of our responsibilty to future generations.
And Sandy, as always, thank YOU for a thoughtful exploration of this potentially very effective marketing tool for authors.
For those interested in a thoughtful exploration of sophisticated Roth conversion planning, his article makes a good read.
The original Prime, released in 2002, was a near - perfect blend of sci - fi shooting and thoughtful exploration.
Whether you align with the light or the dark side, you're invited to dive into this fun and thoughtful exploration of the most beloved Star Wars game of all time.
Movement is seamless, allowing players to engage in both thoughtful exploration and pulse - quickening combat.»
Throughout most of the campaign Lara would encounter deadly creatures sparingly, just enough to punctuate the slower, thoughtful exploration and puzzle solving that made up the vast majority of the game.
Given complete freedom, Mitsuda offered a thoughtful exploration of Celtic realms while evoking a wide spectrum of emotion and complementing the game.
Teller's thoughtful exploration of youth and old age, isolation and congregation, and life and death, serves as a reminder that dualisms are an inevitable part of life.
Novelist Geoff Dyer's «Riverrun» — a meditation on Soth's series Sleeping by the Mississippi — and August Kleinzahler's poem «Sleeping It Off in Rapid City» contribute to the thoughtful exploration of this body of work.
Edmund Clark: The Day the Music Died provides a timely and thoughtful exploration of the measures taken by states to protect its citizens from the threat of international terrorism, and the far - reaching effects of such methods of control including issues of security, secrecy, legality, and ethics.
Why climate change divides us — CS Monitor — thoughtful exploration of tribal nature of climate debate.
Read on for their thoughtful exploration of the values and priorities of blogging and jury deliberation, and their shared opinion that these two roles fundamentally clash during trial.
New York Times — The Fierce Intimacy of Tennis Rivalries — Gerald Marzorati — A thoughtful exploration of the great rivalries in this wildly popular spectator sport.
A recent, well - attended and thoughtful exploration of «the future of legal scholarship» appears to have been devoted entirely to the care and feeding of those who publish heavily footnoted papers in law journals, as Margaret Ryznar pointed out.
Beneath the whacking, smutty, in - your - face teen sex farce, Blockers is a mature, thoughtful exploration of parental responsibility.
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