Sentences with phrase «thousands in vet bills»

This will not only mean a happier, healthier dog — but also many memorable years together — not to mention saving thousands in vet bills!
Some of these stories are haunting: families who expected a healthy, happy new canine member and instead got a terrified and sickly animal who cost thousands in vet bills — and in some cases soon died.
She feels the way an increasing number of pet parents do: If you love your dog enough to pay thousands in vet bills, or if you simply want the best care for your pet, and most of us fall into both categories, then it's important to have the protection of great pet insurance plan.
Sick pups reared in such conditions can cost buyers thousands in vet bills, and sick and dying animals are especially disturbing for children who receive them as gifts.
Food and systematic veterinary appointments, as well as injury and illness, can rack up thousands in vet bills.
We racked up thousands in vet bills that Healthy Paws not only paid 90 % of, they also followed up to see how she's doing!
I figured the $ 60 I spent on a Nesco jerky maker was worth every penny vs. loosing our Sheltie Mollie, and thousands in vet bills.
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