Sentences with phrase «thousands of genes»

Then they compared the expression of thousands of genes in two samples by measuring levels of messenger RNA.
The service enables expression profiling of thousands of genes in one reaction.
They can be packed with thousands of genes, along with proteins and other molecules, working together in an intricate struggle to stay alive.
The industry researchers identified thousands of genes associated with drought tolerance, then incorporated them into their hybrids through conventional breeding.
Unfortunately, it will be more like hundreds, if not thousands of genes that play roles in different side effects.
Often it turns out that hundreds or even thousands of genes contribute to the overall risk, not just one.
It is being used as a genome - wide tool, to search thousands of genes in a cell and screen for their function.
Hundreds or thousands of genes play a role in intelligence, each with a tiny role in a giant cooperative venture.
The chemicals interact with each other in a toxic soup in our bodies and may influence hundreds and possibly thousands of genes.
It sits on the DNA in a cell, controlling thousands of genes by switching them on or off in response to outside signals.
Imagine you could perform thousands of gene editing experiments on your lab bench in one afternoon.
Only about 100 of the tens of thousands of genes that make up the human genome are marked with these gender - specific stamps, subsequent studies showed.
Whether you are studying the expression of thousands of genes simultaneously using DNA microarrays, or the interaction of multiple molecules to understand intercellular signalling, the skills that will help you understand your findings are statistics, computational techniques, and modelling — so all you really need is a mathematician.
Traditionally, gene function was determined one gene at a time, but today's microarray technology enables scientists to monitor the expression of tens of thousands of genes on a single glass slide.
«After feeling comfortable with the accuracy of the statistical model, we can scale up to search among thousands of genes to discover those with similar expression patterns.»
But for analyzing thousands of genes, this becomes both impractical and scientifically subjective.»
SAGE, a computerized system that allows researchers to study thousands of genes simultaneously, is developed and helps Cancer Center scientists pinpoint differences between normal and tumor cells.
Scientists at Rutgers University - New Brunswick in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University and Harvard Medical School have invented a technology to clone thousands of genes simultaneously and create massive libraries of proteins from DNA samples, potentially ushering in a new era of functional genomics.
Their studies identified thousands of genes showing population differences in transcriptional response to infection.
Since then, so - called Omics technologies have flourished, allowing researchers, for example, to observe and quantify thousands of gene products in a single tissue sample.
The approach, DropSynth, which is described in a recent issue of the journal Science, makes it possible to produce thousands of genes at once.
a technique that allows measurement of the activation levels of many thousands of genes at once
«Low - cost way to build gene sequences: DropSynth can make thousands of genes at once for just a few dollars apiece.»
In the new research, which was conducted in collaboration with Duke - NUS Medical School in Singapore, scientists used computational techniques to scan thousands of genes and mutations associated with epilepsy.
Transcription factors are responsible for either inhibiting or promoting the expression of genes, and master regulatory transcription factors are like transcription factors on steroids: their actions regulate thousands of genes in different kinds of cells.
A change in every 100th base could affect thousands of genes, and the percentage difference becomes much larger if you count insertions and deletions.
The researchers compared thousands of genes in the rattlesnakes» nuclear DNA to study genomic differentiation between the two lineages.
In cells grown on flat culture dishes, the expression of thousands of genes didn't match up with their normal patterns, explaining why the cells from those dishes had been unable to generate new hair follicles.
Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have created a massive online database that matches thousands of genes linked to cancer and other diseases with drugs that target those genes.
LSU Museum of Natural Science Curator and Professor Christopher Austin and his collaborator Rutgers - Newark Assistant Professor Sara Ruane developed a protocol and tested a method for DNA sequencing thousands of genes from these intractable snake specimens.
The discovery in 2003 of giant viruses with hundreds or even thousands of genes shattered the existing definition of living organisms3.
From this they generated new cells in which the vector was integrated into any one of thousands of gene segments — with each segment glowing green when it was activated, or «switched on.»
In rice thousands of genes in portions of genes have been duplicated, transposed and rearranged by the activities of a family of mobile DNA that is called MULE.
«They're the complex result of hundreds or thousands of genes interacting
Persomics ImagineArrays ™ enable researchers to edit or silence thousands of genes on a single plate.
The case is important because thousands of genes have been patented in the United States, and no one is sure what will happen if the judges rule Myriad's patents invalid.
Researchers at several universities are working on the canine genome project, a massive undertaking to identify the hundreds of thousands of genes situated on the 39 pairs of chromosomes that make the dog a dog.
Gene mutations were far less likely to create the kind of havoc that deranged chromosomes containing thousands of genes could cause.
Using new technologies to analyze thousands of genes and proteins simultaneously from tumors, Dr. Chak hopes to identify molecular patterns that will predict an individual's response to specific agents.
For example, next - generation sequencing can be used to read the complete genetic information of a biological sample, DNA chips directly measure the activity of thousands of genes simultaneously, mass spectrometry characterizes proteins expressed in a tissue, high - resolution imaging tracks changes in cell cultures, and high - throughput screening characterizes the biological activity of a large number of molecules.
«Cloning thousands of genes for massive protein libraries: Scientists build technology that could lead to rapid discovery of new medicines and biomarkers hidden in genomes.»
The team identified thousands of genes with altered expression patterns after light exposure, and 611 genes that had at least two-fold increases or decreases.
The approach, DropSynth, which is described in the January issue of the journal Science, makes it possible to produce thousands of genes at once.
Using the CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression) high - throughput method, the scientists determined the starting points of transcription of many thousands of genes in various phases of embryonic development of zebrafish.
Using genechip technology, a powerful tool for analyzing the expression patterns of thousands of genes at a time, researchers have identified a number of genes that are specifically regulated by the...

Phrases with «thousands of genes»

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