Sentences with phrase «thousands of manuscripts»

If the journal receives thousands of manuscripts a year, a system such as this one will require a huge editorial board.
During my years in the publishing industry, I've worked with bestselling authors and evaluated thousands of manuscript submissions.
It posted thousands of manuscripts over 5 years but closed last year because it became «unsustainable,» according to the journal.
And we know that publishing houses receive thousands of manuscripts a year and may only choose a dozen or so.
Agents and editors read thousands of manuscripts each year, and most of them have a list of pet peeves about opening chapters.
In the old model, there was a presumption that the literary agent had culled through thousands of manuscripts to find the most deserving to represent.
They have found thousands of manuscripts in different parts of Africa, Middle East, and Eastern Europe during the centruries following their writing.
Read their submission requirements and stick to them rigidly — remember they receive hundreds if not thousands of manuscripts a week and are just delighted when a misspelt word or incomplete submission gives them an excuse to toss it aside and reduce their slush pile.
Right now thousands of manuscripts sit as a slush pile in the corner of a dusty publisher's office because they simply aren't publishing manuscripts from unknown authors, instead they bank on those long time tried and proven authors that are without risk.
The Vatican Apostolic Library is aiming to make thousands of its manuscripts available online, and has announced that it is working with the Japanese company NTT Data to digitise some 3000 manuscripts over the next four years.
Since TED, I've moved to New York and landed at Wolf Literary Services, a literary agency that has me reading thousands of manuscripts, interacting with countless authors, and shepherding writers through all stages of their writing careers.
Authorlink has evaluated thousands of manuscripts through our many years online.
Hay House, which publishes about 100 titles annually, receives thousands of manuscripts each year that it simply can't publish.
Of the thousands of manuscript variants we have, I have not yet seen one that would be to the detriment of the message.
Everyone takes those as gosphel, but thousands of manuscripts of the books of the Bible are not enough and never will be.
Thousands of manuscripts are submitted to agents and publishers every year; only a handful are accepted.
The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Pope's weekly addresses, and thousands of manuscripts are now available to read.
by Lisa Dale Norton June, 2015 I've read thousands of manuscripts and worked with hundreds of writers over dozens... View Article
It's the publishers who bear the cost of paying people to read the thousands of manuscripts submitted each year.
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