Sentences with phrase «thousands of students across the state»

We've educated tens of thousands of students across the state and trained 200 young people as climate leaders.
In the letter to Congressmembers, Latimer wrote, «These are both reasonable requests, affecting thousands of students across our state and likely hundreds of thousands across the country.
Also, the team has conducted roundtables and workshops with thousands of students across the state; published 50 Op - eds; produced three policy reports based on original data; made 65 presentations to educators, policymakers, fellow students, and other advocates; and will soon publish its first book, Ready or Not, on October 17, featuring Kentucky student testimonials on the topic of college readiness.
«We're very excited about the launch of our Excelsior Scholarship application at our public colleges... we expect it to be a game changer for tens of thousands of students across the state,» said state Budget Director Robert Mujica.
«New York is proud to lead the nation in college access and affordability, and with the launch of the Excelsior Scholarship application, we are opening the door to economic opportunity for tens of thousands of students across the state,» Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said in a statement Tuesday.
Starting as a pilot in high - need, hard - to - reach communities in 2010, the program has gained legislative support over the years and been expanded to reach tens of thousands of students across the state.
«The Louisiana Scholarship Program is transforming the lives of thousands of students across the state — allowing them to leave failing and underperforming schools and attend a school of their parents» choice,» said Ann Duplessis, president of the Louisiana Federation for Children.
Continuing to use an unfair, illogical school finance system not only means continuing to distribute more than $ 2 billion in taxpayer dollars arbitrarily, it means continuing to deny educational opportunities to thousands of students across our state — educational opportunities they deserve and are entitled to.
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