Sentences with phrase «thousands of years due»

This process takes 10s of thousands of years due to such a large body of water.
In evidence I have provided earlier, the effect of the CO2 being added to the carbon cycle is on the order of 100 ′ s to thousands of years due to the very slow nature of the slow carbon cycle.
The smallest of our line up, mice have made great pets for thousands of years due to their intelligence and friendliness.
Organic Goji Berry: Goji berries have been one of the principle herbs in chinese medicine for thousands of years due to its healing and tonifying effects.
These concentrated liquids have been used for thousands of years due to their intensive healing abilities.
«Pristine» landscapes haven't existed for thousands of years due to human activity.»

Not exact matches

It makes me wonder how many thousands of replies I haven't gotten over the years, due to my penchant for ending emails with «best» (as if I'd wanted to write, «best regards,» but just couldn't find the time.)
Due to the power of compound interest, even a seemingly tiny 0.5 % difference in fees can cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars and delay your retirement by years, even decades.
Arrogance in our culture, due to our higher intelligence, was injected by the theory of creation introduced by Ibrahim (Abraham) thousands of years ago.
Hundreds of thousands are leaving the LDS church every year due to the wave of information now available which the church tries, very successfully, to hide.
Science can discern, in the hundreds of thousands (probably millions) of years (Since Mankind's behavior on the «tree of Life» is rather that of a flowering than of an ordinary shoot, it is possible that the estimate of several million years, based on the average longevity of animal forms, should be materially reduced to allow for the acceleration due to the totalization of the Noosphere.)
Due to rapid decay of C - 14, it can only accurately produce dates in the thousands of years, not in the millions, or billions.
It's merely one that took hold a couple of thousand years ago and has gone mostly unchallenged due to societal pressures.
In due course, after the passage of further thousands or even millions of years, it can, and it must, super-centrate itself in the bosom of a Mankind totally reflexive upon itself.
what is necessary and a very important change for us today and the future is our conscience, and this requires global consciousness necessary for our long term needs and survival, we need a faith that will compel us to unite to address the problems of survival, in the future, a few thousand years from now the glacial period cycle is due, earth will no longer be hospitable and we either have to immigrate to other planets or, develope a system that will protect us, the natural calamities like floods, typhoons, sub zero temperatures, will become our big problem in the future, so we need a religion that will guide our conscience from simplistic self survival towards a more holistic view of reality.Our oneness with ourselves and Him is the primary tenets or doctrines of this religion.
Every year, thousands of people die due to lack of donated organs.
But, since we humans have been mixing with one another for a tens of thousands of years, since it is more likely that any random black person on earth has more in common genetically with a random white person than another random black person (due to probability, because there are so many black people from differing genetic subgroups), and since humans share 96 % of our genetic makeup with chimps, the concept of «race» is really, scientifically, just a fiction best left to ignorant crazies like the Aryan nation.
6 --(yawn) Not sure what you are talking about due to your usual vagueness, but I'll take a stab at it — If I am right, and there is no heaven and no hell, you, as a believer and minister lose nothing by wasting years and years of your life preaching a lie, and convincing hundreds, perhaps thousands to believe that same lie, and waste millions, no, billions of dollars to pay for the continued propagation of that lie...?
In rebuttal I brought up the Greek Christians during the past thousand years» — Luther was right of course that the Greeks did not acknowledge the authority of the papacy — and also the ancient fathers who had not been under the authority of the Roman pontiff although I did not deny the primacy of honour due to the Pope.»
Chia seeds have been around for thousands of years but have been becoming more popular due to their potent health benefits.
Chia Seeds have been around for thousands of years but have been becoming more popular due to their potent health benefits.
Although there are thousands of injuries due to misuse of a high chair every year, it doesn't mean that they are unsafe.
Due to the aspect of again, many people spend their glory years wasting hundreds to thousands of dollars on make up, skin care products, and even BOTOX treatments.
A baby high chair is a great way to get your baby involved in eating with the rest of the family, but every year thousands of children are injured due to high chair related accidents.
A study released in 2000 states that there are thousands of injuries to children aged three and under each year due to high chairs.
Thousands of blogs are abandoned every year due to lack of planning and consistent effort.
The fudging of data so as to cover up the «thousands» of women and babies who die due to unnecessary interventions every year.
Thousands of babies sadly pass away due to the syndrome every year in America.
He ran his metalworking business out of the workshop for several years before it was closed due to the recession, which shuttered thousands of small businesses around the United States.
(New York, NY)-- The New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) makes tens of thousands of New Yorkers wait for weeks, months and sometimes even years before fixing serious problems such as asbestos, missing carbon monoxide detectors, broken elevators, leaky ceilings, and faulty stoves due to poor management and oversight, according to an audit released today by New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer.
He also suggested that «there is a connection» between Bt cotton, a GM product that includes genes from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to make it pest - resistant, and farmers» suicides, referring to thousands of farmers who have committed suicide in the last few years due to indebtedness, mostly in cotton growing regions.
Since the 1970s, the BLM has gathered thousands of horses each year, trying to prevent them from dying of starvation due to overpopulation.
Within this interpretation Acosta explains that «The incredible rise inthe luminosity was due to the increased alignment (this occurred nearly 8 thousand million years ago) of the emitting zone of the jet with our line of sight to the object» Thanks to these observatinos the model used in this research is supported both theoretically and observationally.
Due to organ shortages, thousands of Americans are on transplant waiting lists for 5 or more years as their health deteriorates, and more than 1,000 of them die each year.
Tens of thousands of people visit hospitals every year with ice - and snow - related injuries, mainly due to falls.
Due to consistently below - freezing temperatures, ice that appears to be flowing can actually remain in place for thousands of years.
Methane concentrations between 5 and 15 percent represent an «explosive range,» Banks said, that contributes to the deaths of tens of thousands of miners each year due to underground explosions.
As the region warms due to increased greenhouse - gas emissions, ice melts, reducing Antarctica's elevation over centuries or thousands of years.
Every year, thousands of acres of Madagascar's forests disappear due to illegal logging, mining and burning to clear space for crops.
Cold weather is also a concern for older people, with Age UK estimating that several thousand die every year from the cold, independent of infection, although recent figures suggest this has fallen in 2013/14 due to milder weather.
The alignment of obliquity and eccentricity due to precession is a much stronger effect than for the Earth, leading to «great» summers and winters on time scales of tens of thousands of years (the precessional period is 170,000 years).
Thousands of people in the United States die each year due to severe blood loss, often before they reach an emergency room.
The recommendations are all the more critical given that the models don't take into account other threats to lemurs and the many animals that share their forest home, the researchers say.Every year, thousands of acres of Madagascar's forests disappear due to illegal logging, mining and burning to clear space for crops.
Scientists theorize that the reason gluten is causing these digestive system problems is due to the excessive hybridization of wheat over the last 50 years, which has created newly modified gluten molecules that are foreign to the human digestive system compared to the ancient wheat that humans ate for several thousand years historically, and even compared to the wheat that your grandparents ate 50 + years ago.
IGF1 levels does not necessarily means that you're gonna get cancer.IGF1 is a metabolic pathway for growth, yes growth in general from muscle tissue, bones, even organs BUT.There is a huge difference from ingecting into yourself, artificial IGF1 HGH etc and causing you body to secrete it naturall.When i say naturally i'm not talking about animal products (i am a vegan btw except some use of honey and bee pollen) animal product consumption is linked to a numerous deseases due to saturated fats, trans fats, high concentrations of sulfuring aminos even heme iron soy protein (which btw has some great health benefits, general the soy bean) is at least wrong.Ok consuming every day 1 kg of soy probably is not good, as NOTHING is at very high quantities.Nothing wrong with natto, tempeh, tofu, soymilk, soybean, ans SPI.Asian people have been consuming soy for thousands of years without negative effects.Soy and especially SPI for people who are doing serious natural bodybuilding without use of AAS and artificial growth factors, and are also vegans believe me is a pain in the a $ $ and soy protein is maybe the ONLY type of protein that has sufficient ratios of amino acids, from bcaas to even sulfur aminos (but in normal levels not the dangerous levels linked to the homocysteine rise in the blood).
Due to refrigeration, we eat far less fermented foods — a preservation method that was required to preserve food for thousands of years.
Presently, humanity is exposed to the highest levels of toxic metals in recorded history, up to several thousand times higher than even several hundred years ago due to industrialization.
A staple of the human diet for thousands of years, bone broth is enjoying a resurgence of interest due to its powerful health benefits.
From these studies, we know with confidence that long term ketosis may pose substantial risk for health complications due to the side effects experienced by the thousands of children who have followed ketogenic diets over the years as a means of suppressing seizures unresponsive to drugs and procedures.
Iceland's parliament is due to discuss a bill that could impose a six - year prison sentence for anyone guilty of removing part or all of the child's sexual THE WESTERN ORTHODOX HERITAGE For a thousand years, from AD37 to AD1054 - 66, the people living in the British Isles and western Europe believed and
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