Sentences with phrase «thousands to millions of years»

Over hundreds of thousands to millions of years, the change in gene frequency has altered the physical aspects of the species as a whole.
The paper discusses reconstructions of global deep ocean temperature, sea level, surface temperature, and climate sensitivity going back thousands to millions of years.
Even long - term climate cycles are short relative to geologic time, where «we're talking about hundreds of thousands to millions of years for plate tectonics,» Olive says.
When a photon leaves the photosphere thousands to millions of years later, it carries that momentum with it.
Inventories such as the deep ocean, sediments and rocks, on the other hand, store huge amounts of carbon accumulated over thousands to millions of years, but the fluxes of carbon in these reservoirs are comparatively very slow and occur via processes such as sedimentation and volcanic eruptions.
What Nature takes thousands to millions of years to accomplish, humans can do so in hundreds of years and it will speed up even faster once our Sun «wakes up».
His research focuses on understanding the links between climate change and ocean chemistry across timescales of thousands to millions of years during the Phanerozoic.
After each mass extinction, it took hundreds of thousands to millions of years for biodiversity to build back up to pre-crash levels.
Thousands to millions of years later, these elements combined with silicates in the moon's mantle to form plagioclase feldspars, which eventually moved to the surface and formed the moon's crust, said Roy.
Sedimentary rock layers provide a more compressed view of climate, as each layer of sediment is made over a period of hundreds of thousands to millions of years.
«Isolating species has consequences — it can catalyze evolutionary change over hundreds of thousands to millions of years,» Behrensmeyer said, «but it also makes species more vulnerable to extinction.»
«Before the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter was launched in 2009, we thought that it took hundreds of thousands to millions of years to change the lunar surface layer significantly,» Speyerer said.
Processes that have historically altered the face of the planet, like cycles in the Earth's orbit around the Sun or shifts in continental tectonic plates, occur over tens of thousands to millions of years.
In particular, she uses mathematical approaches to interpret observed variations in δ18O and δ13C on times scales of thousands to millions of years.
Lowenstein studies water droplets that have been sealed inside salt crystals for thousands to millions of years.
The portions of Greenland not immediately adjacent to the ocean have been continuously covered in ice sheets for tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands to millions of years.
In Lab 6A, you learned that the ocean's biological pump sequesters large amounts of carbon dioxide in shell - building organisms that eventually die, sink and become part of deep ocean sediments for very long time scales - thousands to millions of years.
However, the Big Five occurred over periods of hundreds of thousands to millions of years, so Barnosky and colleagues also attempted to determine how long it might take us to reach mass extinction levels (75 % of species extinct).
To answer this question, the scientists examined a hypothetical scenario in which the Big Five extinctions occurred suddenly, such that all of the species went extinct over just 500 years rather than over hundreds of thousands to millions of years.

Phrases with «thousands to millions of years»

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