Sentences with phrase «threat of a restraining order»

Join us for an hour that answers where to go, how best to fangirl without the threat of a restraining order, and why we celebrate embracing your inner peculiar.

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There is not a final contradiction here between what love requires and what we accept as political necessities so long as we recognize that the threat of nuclear destruction may help to restrain nations from all out war long enough to allow the growth of a minimal world order under law which can bring the weaponry under control.
Every family experiences conflict, but when violence — or the threat of violence — is used against you or your children, it's time to get a restraining order.
However, London's reign as arbitration capital may be under threat after last week's European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruling in West Tankers that it was inconsistent with EC reg 44/2001 (the successor of the Brussels Convention) for a court of a European member state to make an order (commonly known as an anti-suit injunction) to restrain a person from commencing or continuing proceedings in another member state on the ground that such proceedings are in breach of an arbitration agreement.
Domestic Violence - Domestic violence covers a broad category of crimes and can including spousal abuse, making terroristic threats, domestic assaults, child abuse, and violations of domestic violence restraining orders or protective order violations.
Domestic violence charges include not only domestic assault charges, but also every degree of felony assault, misdemeanor assault (gross misdemeanor and simple misdemeanor assault), «terroristic threats,» interference with an emergency call (interference with a 911 call), criminal sexual conduct, child neglect, child endangerment, child abuse, stalking and harassment crimes, violation of an Order for Protection (OFP), or violation of a Harassment Restraining Order (HRO).
Rosales also filed a criminal complaint of a «terroristic threat» against the opposing counsel and sought a restraining order based on the opposing counsel's alleged «erratic» stalking.
These include possession of a firearm by a felon, possession of burglary tools or drug paraphernalia, driving with an open container of alcohol, violation of a restraining order, possession of explosives without a license, buying scrap metal or pawn items (or selling Sudafed) without recording the other party's identifying information, providing material assistance to terrorism, selling firearms to someone in violation of regulations, and making various kinds of credible threats (although these are usually pertaining to someone specified crimes).
While not calling for a registry or banning assault weapons, Gov. Rick Scott unveiled a host of reforms Friday, including raising the age to purchase a rifle to 21, creating a «violent threat restraining order» that would bar people deemed a threat from buying guns, boosting funding for mental health and banning bump stocks, an attachment that causes a semiautomatic rifle to fire faster.
[FN52] Calls to 911; police reports; restraining orders with their supporting affidavits; convictions and criminal records; medical records; photographs of injuries or of property damage; the affidavits of neighbors, coworkers, friends, and family members; answering machine tapes or notes with angry messages or threats; journals kept by the client or her children; detailed records of problems with provisional arrangements for child transfer — all these and more may provide actors in the family court system with the documentation they need to take the abuse seriously.
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