Sentences with phrase «threaten rain forests»

The plants favor hot, dry conditions and hence are unlikely to threaten rain forests.
We all know it is not climate change that threatens the rain forests but the uncontrolled use of the chain saw and the quest for bio fuels.

Not exact matches

Global warming, the ozone hole, overpopulation, starvation and malnutrition, war, unemployment, the destruction of species and the rain forests, pollution of water and air, pesticide and herbicide poisoning, errors in genetic engineering, erosion of topsoil, overfishing, anarchy and crime, the possibility of a nuclear mishap, chemical warfare or all - out nuclear war: together, or in some cases singly, these dangers threaten to «catch us unexpectedly, like a trap.»
Also in January, the nonprofit group Reptile & Amphibian Ecology International (RAEI) announced that an expedition to the rain forests of coastal Ecuador had found new reptiles, insects, and amphibians whose habitat is threatened by climate change and deforestation.
The second is a solo devoted to a single artist, the contemporary Brazilian photographer Caio Reisewitz, whose big color images of threatened tropical rain forests offer a lush antidote to urban grit — Manhattan's included.
Re «I believe the best thing to do now with «threatened tropical rain forests» is to harvest all their timber, then clear the land, then grow organic sugarcane for ethanol production.»
I believe the best thing to do now with «threatened tropical rain forests» is to harvest all their timber, then clear the land, then grow organic sugarcane for ethanol production.
In addition to climate changes and animal extinction, we are threatening the culture of native peoples that live within the rain forests with continued rain forest destruction.
«we are threatening the culture of native peoples that live within the rain forests with contined rain forest destruction»
He specializes in documenting earth's biodiversity in the rain forests and coral reefs, especially focusing on endangered species and threatened habitats around the world.
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