Sentences with phrase «threatened by climate change»

Many foods are being threatened by climate change: wheat, coffee, chocolate and avocadoes are just a few facing the challenges of global warming.
Senator Lisa Murkowski (R - AK) has been surfacing in the news recently, thanks to an amendment she's created to stop the EPA from regulating greenhouse gases — even though she lives in the state perhaps most threatened by climate change.
How to feed a growing population with resources threatened by climate change is an increasingly relevant discussion all around the world.
Wildlife more threatened by climate change than previously thought (Christian Science Monitor, Feb. 15, 2017)
Coral reef fisheries like this are threatened by climate change; Credit: © Lauren - Kristine Pryzant / doi: 10.1371 / journal.pbio.1001387.
The tale of the bald eagle's return from near extinction should provide encouragement to fans of the polar bear, whose habitat is threatened by climate change.
The social foundations of children's mental and physical health and well - being are threatened by climate change because of: effects of sea level rise and decreased biologic diversity on the economic viability of agriculture, tourism, and indigenous communities; water scarcity and famine; mass migrations; decreased global stability46; and potentially increased violent conflict.47 These effects will likely be greatest for communities already experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage.48
A study by the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research concludes that Peru is the country third most threatened by climate change, and, like everywhere else, the poorest and most marginalised groups are most affected.
e.g. 2015 data reconfirms Yosemite is cooling from the 30s, penguins not threatened by climate change etc.. I can't usually afford the time to slog through adjectives like fallacious and slandering and I think you lose all but the already convinced in the volume of the post.
on Arctic seals listed as threatened by climate change; polar bears get critical habitat designation
Who bears responsibility for protecting those whose basic rights are threatened by climate change?
Of those species, only seven percent of mammals and four percent of birds were currently considered «threatened by climate change and severe weather» by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened Species.
Research scientists are coming to the aid of 300 million people along the River Ganges who face a hungry future because their staple rice crop is threatened by climate change.
More thorough sea level monitoring is needed to protect one trillion dollars (0.98 trillion U.S. dollars) worth of the world's infrastructure threatened by climate change, an Australian leading ocean scientist said on Sunday
Are the world's glaciers threatened by climate change?
Food access could be threatened by climate change impacts on productivity in important cereal - producing regions of the world which, along with other factors, could raise food prices and erode the ability of the poor in Africa to afford purchased food.
A New England songbird species known as Bicknell's Thrush is threatened by both climate change and competition.
People who are threatened by climate change science can not provide an alternative view that is coherent by the standards of conventional scientific thinking.
«Eudyptes penguins, ostensibly anchored to a reproductive strategy maladapted to a marine environment where food availability is less predictable, will continue to be highly threatened by climate change,» says Morrison.
Our work optimizing effective water infrastructure is important to prepare the rivers of the Mid-Atlantic for the more frequent and intense floods and longer droughts threatened by climate change.
In this video Bernadette Placky — a former broadcast meteorologist who now runs the Climate Matters program for our partner Climate Central — explains how our national parks are threatened by climate change, and what they are doing about it.
No seeds were lost but the ability of the rock vault to provide failsafe protection against all disasters is now threatened by climate change.
The low - lying Pacific island nation of Kiribati is one of the parts of the world most threatened by climate change and rising sea levels.
«They must address these aquatic environments and the fishing, aquaculture and other coastal communities whose livelihoods and even survival will be threatened by climate change.
«What's more, while every American's health is threatened by climate change, certain groups of people — including children, seniors, low - income communities, and those living with a chronic disease like asthma — are especially vulnerable,» the statement read.
Humans can be threatened by climate change.
Scientists say the state's coral reef habitats are increasingly threatened by climate change as rising water temperatures lead to more coral bleaching, which occurs when the coral becomes stressed by changes in the environment.
The Amazon rainforest is seriously threatened by climate change.
Dr North has searched the WWF's reports high and low but can find no evidence of a statement to support the IPCC's claim that «40 per cent» of the Amazon is threatened by climate change.
Willis, the native Australiam mammal most threatened by climate change is the Mountain Pygmy Possum (Burramys parvus).
According to a new report released by Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand, coffee is severely threatened by climate change, and the amount of land suitable for coffee production could decrease by 50 percent as soon as 2050.
They conclude that the polar bears are not threatened by climate change (Ecological Complexity, DOI: 10.1016 / j.ecocom.2007.03.002)....»
Birds nesting on low - lying islands being inundated by sea level rise — black - footed albatross, laysan albatross — and even the Hawaiian honeycreeper, which lives at higher altitudes, is being threatened by climate change too, in weird ways.
Talking, rather than acting, remains a political option because the electorates on which the pols rely for their jobs are not sufficiently threatened by climate change, personally, to make it an issue on which politicians have to act.
And finally, development is threatened by climate change.
Image: Flooding in Piazza San Marco (Photo: AFP / Getty) The venerable city of Venice, named by UNESCO as one of the World Heritage sites threatened by climate change, was inundated by five feet of water (1.5 metres) yesterday.
Corn is a dietary staple in much of the world that's threatened by climate change.
She's even trying to sue the Fish & Wildlife dept for listing polar bears as threatened by climate change.
He chose to portray animals which are directly threatened by climate change due to carbon emissions.
«But to continue to do so it needs the support of our generation and future ones, because it is threatened by climate change and time decay.»
A documentary chronicling a 700 - person trek across the Himalayas to call attention to the plight of the largest store of glaciers outside the polar ice caps, which are threatened by climate change.
It is threatened by climate change, which is causing mosquitoes that carry introduced diseases — including avian pox and malaria — to move into the honeycreeper's higher - elevations refuges.
These results could have serious implications for tropical fish, whose habitat is already threatened by climate change.
The understanding that Saimiri vanzolinii is its own distinct group is particularly significant because the monkeys» survival is being threatened by climate change.
Some places are ideal havens for species threatened by climate change.
The team suggests that even ecologists without computer programming savvy can now set up more sophisticated surveillance for species threatened by climate change and habitat loss.
«Evolutionary rescue» areas for animals threatened by climate change
Currently, IUCN only lists about 7 percent of mammals on the list and 4 percent of birds as being threatened by climate change.
The variants were least common in declining populations already threatened by climate change.
Should we help species that are threatened by climate change find new habitats?
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