Sentences with phrase «threatening uterine infection»

Female dogs also have about a 30 % chance of developing a severe and life - threatening uterine infection, called a pyometra, if not spayed.
Spay (Ovariohysterectomy) surgery in young female cats and dogs eliminates their risk of pyometra — a life - threatening uterine infection — and can reduce their risk of breast cancer by up to 97 %!
Ceili German Shepherd Pennsylvania Diagnosis: Pyometra (life threatening uterine infection) Treatment: Emergency spay
Unspayed female dogs and cats are at high risk of developing a life - threatening uterine infection that usually requires emergency surgery to treat.
Improves Chances for a Long, Healthy Life: Spaying reduces your pet's risk of developing uterine and ovarian cancer, as well as a potentially life - threatening uterine infection known as pyometra.
Spaying also prevents pyometra which is a life - threatening uterine infection and, most importantly, pregnancy and unwanted or poorly bred puppies.
Spaying and neutering cats and dogs provides health benefits, reducing or eliminating the risk of cancers and life - threatening uterine infections
In females, spaying can reduce or eliminate the chance of ovarian, uterine and mammary cancer, as well as life - threatening uterine infections.
«Female dogs» chances of developing breast cancer and life - threatening uterine infections are greatly reduced by spaying prior to their first heat cycle,» Hunter says.
Spayed females have a lower risk of breast cancer (which is 90 % fatal in cats and 50 % fatal in dogs) and life threatening uterine infections.
Spayed females won't get any of the life - threatening uterine infections and reproductive tract cancers, mastitis, ovarian cysts, miscarriages or delivery complications that are common in unspayed cats.

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If your cat reaches 5 + years without being spayed, they are also more prone to pyometra which is a life threatening infection of the uterus, and ovarian and uterine cancer, all of which can be 100 % prevented with spaying.
In addition, female cats, if unspayed, are prone to developing life - threatening cystic ovaries or uterine infections.
Pyometra is a severe uterine infection that can threaten the life of unspayed female dogs OR cats.
They are also prone to life - threatening mammary gland cancer and uterine tract infection (pyometra).
Uterine infections, including pyometra which is a serious, life - threatening infection of the uterus, common in older intact females is prevented due to the uterus being removed.
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