Sentences with phrase «threats of a warmer planet»

«Kering's ambitious but achievable targets will slash emissions across their value chain, and demonstrates the company's commitment to a low - carbon future that other businesses must urgently adopt if they are to protect themselves and their customers from the threats of a warming planet
It was meant literally, as in: Tsunamis are inundations of shorelines and therefore have impacts that resemble storm surges, which are one of the most immediate threats of a warmer planet.

Not exact matches

pdf file, «The Threat to the Planet: Dark and Bright Sides of Global Warming», available from Dr. James Hansen's web site, as the first file listed under the heading Files of Interest:
With threats of radiation, global warming, polar shifts, and extinctions, it's easy to become apathetic about the state of our planet.
Following on a decade from when former American Vice President, Al Gore alerted the world about the threats of Global Warming and their impacts on our planet and our lives, it seems all too real now that another one of these films didn't really need to be made.
Assaults on human rights; inadequate disaster aid; threats of thermonuclear war; and the slow, steady warming of our planet.
Also students will research the effects of global warming and climate change and evaluate whether this is the biggest threat we face as humans Students will research destruction of natural resources — with an example of deforestation — and evaluate whether humans have the right to do what they want to the planet Students will then summarise our learning from this lesson and will answer some questions to demonstrate learning from this lesson
Gilles Langourieux, CEO of Virtuos, said: «We wanted to deliver a game that provokes greater social awareness around the threats and consequences of global warming to our planet if we don't change fast enough.
With old friends and former foes, we will work tirelessly to lessen the nuclear threat, and roll back the specter of a warming planet.
Overall, Democrats and liberals are more likely than Republicans and conservatives to say the Earth is warming, human activity is the cause of the change, the problem is serious and there is scientific consensus about the climate changes underway and the threat it poses to the planet.
Unless you were among a handful of brave policymakers, concerned scientists, or loyal Grist readers, it's fair to say the threat of a rapidly warming world took a back seat to High School Musical, MySpace, and whether or not Pluto was a planet (yes, those were all a thing in 2006).
The warming planet poses a number of threats to life as we know it.
In this case, global warming is acting in concert with local clear - cutting to provide a dual threat to this great forest that is home to 14 million species and is one of the largest remaining carbon sinks on the planet.
One would have thought though, that in the 30 years since our Congress first began to confront the reality of a warming planet, when in 1986 Senator John Chafee (R - R.I.) and newly elected Senator Al Gore (D - TN) held hearings on the subject of «Ozone Depletion, the Greenhouse Effect, and Climate Change,» at least one branch of our government would have come to reckon with the existential threat of climate change.
Importantly, whether one thinks global warming poses little or no threat or that the planet is on a path toward catastrophe, the cumulative climate effect of these policies, if implemented, would be a change in the earth's temperature almost too small to measure.
Created to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced, Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming.
Those who wish to use the threat of anthropogenic global warming to achieve enhanced political control over the whole planet by hijacking the energy supply are no more likely to be successful than were the founders of the Soviet Union.
The show trial was a chance for the Kochtopus, fossil fuel interests, and global warming skeptics (including Senator James Inhofe (R - OK) who announced he is releasing a denialist book) to cry foul that industry is being victimized and that global warming is not a threat, and does not pose any risks to the health and well - being of Americans, and the planet.
You regularly seem to take positions regarding AGW that assume that anything that may contribute to a warmer planet is a dire threat to humanity and those pieces of information that would indicate it to be a less of a threat to be in error or of minimal impact.
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