Sentences with phrase «thrive in a bad economy»

These may exhibit some level of negative correlation with the economy — companies dealing with distressed consumers & businesses can particularly thrive in a bad economy, or outright recession.
I invite all of our readers to learn more about Healthy Spot in the February issue of Pet Business, where we will take an in - depth look at how several different chains of various sizes have been able to not only survive but thrive in a bad economy.

Not exact matches

The second worst enemy is corruption that consume the national treasury and and exhaust economy leading to deep poverty to the compressed majority leading them to undertaking acts of ter - rorism and pir - acy that thrives in smug - gling, traffi - cking, kid - napping and blac - kmailing beside many sorts of illegal activities org - anized or not.
It is a common misconception that starting a business in a bad economy is a setup for failure; certain industries thrive in bad economic conditions, while others depend upon the strength of the economy for their success.
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