Sentences with phrase «thrive on cows»

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His daughter also had issues with cow milk and she thrived on his goat milk formula recipe.
Infants who have acute gastroenteritis and who were previously well can thrive on continued use of either human milk or diluted cow milk based formulas after rehydration.
Multiple stomachs allow a cow, through fermentation, to convert low - grade proteins to high - grade proteins, which is healthier for them and allows them to thrive on grass only.
Aviation is the hub of a modern economy, maritime is the cash cow, given the normally huge revenue from ports in a globalised economy that thrives on international trade; and rail holds the key to truly modernising the Nigerian local economy, both in the mass transit of people; and mass movement of heavy bulk, at tolerable costs, and with least cost to road infrastructure.
Taking cows off the diet they've thrived on for millions of years, and feeding them foods — primarily corn, soybean and rendered animal products — that their bodies aren't designed to eat, changes the nutritional composition of the meat they make.
You are not a goat, you are not a cow, you have none of the digestive adaptations that allow you to survive and thrive on the seeds of grasses.
Many people who can not tolerate supermarket or health food store milks find they thrive on raw milk from pastured cows.
Since the bacteria thrive on lactose (milk sugar), you may need to refresh them in cow's milk every few batches, especially if you notice the grains are getting smaller or not fermenting the nut milk as before.
You might argue that they thrive on their mother's milk as puppies, but canine milk is completely different than cow's milk.
Some experts argue that humans don't digest dairy very well because milk is such a species - specific food (a human baby wouldn't thrive on a strict diet of cow's milk, for example, because they require human breast milk) and a lot of the skin and digestive problems we experience actually stem from dairy.
His daughter also had issues with cow milk and she thrived on his goat milk formula recipe.
Just like humans, cows and chicken thrive when they exist on the diet that they are naturally meant to eat.
Baby bunnies thrived on mother's milk, but their mothers were rabbits — and rabbit's milk is vastly different from cow's milk in terms of nutrition.
Follow the rescue organization on Instagram to watch these baby cows and their proud mama grow and thrive.
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