Sentences with phrase «through ani»

Insurance companies back this tier through ANI.
Infantile excessive gas is a natural response by the body when it is trying to release intestinal gas through the anus.
«But even as a dietary supplement, nutrition taken through the anus is a remarkable reversal of what we expect.»
Any indigestible fragments are ejected through the anus — with the help of a muscular sphincter.
At the end of its journey through the body via peristalsis, the digested food is excreted through the anus as stool.
This is because your bowel changes its position and gas more easily escapes through the anus with the large intestine in a horizontal rather than in a vertical position.
However, because of severe wet tail diarrhoea, rectal prolapse (where the intestine is pushed outside of the body through the anus) can occur.
In these dogs, the sacs are so large that they must be empties using a latex finger cot through the anus.
Before we start looking at the causes of sensitive stomachs in dogs, it is crucial to follow the journey of food as it passes down your dog's mouth through the stomach and gut before it is finally excreted in the form of stool through the anus.
Waste products (feces) move from the colon through the anus out into the environment.
The infection causes swelling and redness, while ulceration can allow the stinky drainage to exit through the anus.
Anal gland problems typically occur when your dog's feces are too soft to provide the pressure necessary to adequately empty the anal sac fluid as the feces passes through the anus.
Rarely, your dog could be suffering from a rectal prolapse, caused when a portion of the large intestine protrudes through the anus.
Since this «ball of hair should not even be present in the gut, the natural response of the feline body is to expel it out of its system, not through the anus but rather through the mouth.
Anal or rectal prolapse is a condition in which one or more layers of the rectum are displaced through the anus, the opening which allows digestive waste to leave the body.
There are several diseases that can cause straining in puppies which may cause the protrusion of the rectum through the anus.

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At about 14 days, a thin «primitive streak» of cells appears that later becomes a tube extending through the body that will eventually differentiate into a mouth, stomach, intestines and anus.
I.e. Type «4th degree tear» into a search box before saying that she might have torn through to her anus if she had an episiotomy.
«A cut wouldn't have prevented it, and possibly could have made it worse, and even caused her to tear through to her anus, but yeah that would have been better.»
A fourth degree tear IS A TEAR THROUGH HER ANUS!
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the lowest part of your rectum and anus, according to Web MD, and they can re-tear if aggravated through straining or anal sex.
Your baby will learn how to relax the anus and use the bowel to eliminate the stool from their body system through trial and error.
However, all young babies will strain and grunt when having a bowel movement because the muscles of the rectum and anus are not yet coordinated enough to fully relax as stool passes through.
An episiotomy is a surgical cut made through the muscle in the perineum, the area between the vagina and the anus.
Comb jellies, jellyfish, sea sponges, and a few other creatures all were thought to lack an anus, which meant they had to eat and defecate through a single hole.
And since the tissues in the anus are very thin, bacteria and other harmful microbes — like gonorrhea, chlamydia, and HIV, for example — can more easily enter through small nicks and abrasions and get into the bloodstream.
By introducing water into your diet, waste is more easily passed through the intestines and anus.
Those that run along your digestive tract — from your esophagus through your stomach and intestines to your anus — are called the enteric nervous system.
During one experiment, a probe was inserted into the chimpanzee's anus, then electricity was shot through the probe to make the chimpanzee ejaculate.
Although many use the words anal, rectal, and perineal interchangeably, in this article, anal refers to the anus and the area just around it, which includes the anal sacs that empty through ducts at the anus.
The dogs will cool quickest through the feet, belly and anus.
* Heat loss, through areas of minimal hair, ie belly, anus.
They are positioned just under the skin and connect to the anus through small canals or ducts.
This is especially important if your cat is straining, expelling blood through his or her anus or crying in pain.
These glands empty through narrow and short ducts inside the anus of the animal.
Owners may notice tapeworm segments stuck to or crawling through the fur around their dog's anus.
The biopsies can be collected either by using an endoscope, a flexible tube inserted through the mouth or anus, or via surgery.
Inspect the hair around your cat's anus, very small white pieces trapped there could be segments of tapeworm, cats get tapeworm through swallowing fleas.
She will also examine his paws, genitals and anus, and comb through his fur looking for evidence of fleas.
What we would like to see is for our cats to pass these hairs right through the gut and outside of their anuses.
A full anal gland is the size of a small grape and has a narrow duct through which secretions drain into the anus.
And it should... you know when your cat pushes it out... this is another really important point is the anal glands on either side of the anus... the correct consistency of stool that's good size around so the anus has to expand, it has to stretch out for the stool to pass through, that is supposed to naturally empty the anal glands on the surface of the poop.
After passing through the midgut, the blood enters into a short hind - gut which ultimately ends at the anus.
The enteric nervous system's network of nerves, neurons, and neurotransmitters extends along the entire digestive tract — from the esophagus, through the stomach and intestines, and down to the anus.
A tube with a small camera on the end is inserted through your dog's anus to check on the lining of the colon and intestines.
They empty through short and narrow ducts just inside the anus.
You might have to spray more of your team's color of jizz around an arena to win, or you might be racing through a field of cacti (yes, ouch), flying to the big anus planet in the sky, or tasked with rounding up wiener dogs (i.e. dachshunds).
Passing through Shahryar Nashat's pink - lit installation, Hard Up For Support (2016)-- in which a voice - over accompanies video close - ups of nostrils, ears and anuses — visitors arrive at the large retrospective display of work by Lebanese artist Huguette Caland, who lived in Los Angeles between 1983 and 2013.
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