Sentences with phrase «through consultation»

The framework has been awarded following a fair and open competition; with the specification developed through consultation with the market and experts in the field.
The assessment describes responses received through the consultation process and explains the decisions we made as a result.
Work will continue in the coming months to develop the proposed model and to address the range of concerns which were identified through the consultations which have taken place so far.
Both instructors stressed the need to go through the consultation process even with potential buyers you already know well.
This is done through consultation, capacity building, and planning around individual children, families, and classrooms.
In addition, research shows that when early childhood staff receive support through consultation services they are more confident in their abilities to work with children that exhibit challenging behaviors.
Increasing teacher treatment integrity of behavior support plans through consultation and implementation planning.
We support businesses at all levels, from developing organisation - wide strategies to assisting individual employees and their families through consultation, counselling, dispute resolution and training programs.
We assist aging clients and their families as they plan for their living arrangements and daily care needs through consultation and / or therapy.
Establish a framework to require larger employers to track and report compensation gaps based on gender and other diversity characteristics, to be determined through consultation.
Class - wide positive behavior support in preschool: Improving teacher implementation through consultation.
Perhaps I can focus less on tax controversy work and more on providing basic tax planning advice through consultations.
I work with students directly through group guidance and individual counseling, as well as indirectly through consultation with school faculty and parents.
Perhaps at least as important as the makeup of these performance measures, is the opportunity raised through this consultation to publish a wider range of measures of success in schools.
She provides professional and curriculum development for schools and individual educators through consultation, in - service training, and workshops.
Only through consultations with an experienced lawyer and medical experts will you know the true value of your case.
Instead, you should educate yourself as to those rights through a consultation with a qualified family law attorney.
I tried to trace some of the ideas through the consultation documents and twitter chats.
With an innovative and quality - driven approach, our focus is on delivery through consultation with both the client and candidates.
Established new and existing client relationships and demonstrated knowledge of client business through consultation and excellent customer service.
The first priority however, is to establish a better informed basis for amendment through consultation and negotiation with Indigenous people.
If you obtain the information in our book through consultations with an attorney, you will have tremendous legal bills.
This is accomplished in part by enhancing public awareness of child development, child maltreatment, and family violence through consultation, training, and collaboration.
The projects we support are driven by the needs and aspirations of the communities themselves which are identified through consultation and research.
Through consultations with your medical specialists and life care planners, we work to understand the extent of your injuries and the impact the injuries will have on your future.
While outright closure could save the Department of Justice money, Wawzonek says the N.W.T. CBA branch would like to see an alternative solution achieved through consultations.
Often, when I'm working through a consultation with a bride, having talked first about her fabulous dress, I then find the colour of the bridesmaids» dresses can really influence the colour of the flowers.
Regulatory uncertainty is being addressed through consultation and fast decision - making by Treasury, and we're confident this will help kickstart the next wave of innovation and growth.
To accomplish this, they employ a brand capability evaluation model through consultation with the SMEs.
Fixed costs — a mid-term review Extracts from Dominic Regan's exclusive interview with Lord Justice Jackson, midway through his consultation
While the government's support for the living wage is to be welcomed, it can not be that while Number 10 promotes action to improve incomes, DEFRA is rushing through consultation on proposals that will destroy rural wages.
Doula visits: If you opt to use a doula, you will get to know her well through consultations and prenatal visits.
Mr Hunt has published a set of fresh conditions which have been developed through the consultation process.
The Court of Appeal in this case noted at para 153 that judicial notice of a historical fact may be made by the court on its own initiative through the consultation of historical works or other documents, and may even be referred to them or receive sworn testimony on it as well.
Delivered 32 percent reduction in budget through consultation with budgeting units and redirection of inappropriate or excessive cost expectations.
It could not be more galling, therefore, to see in the report an assertion that the government did, on May 7, 2013 (8 days before the report was due to be tabled), issue a public call for submissions, followed by a lament that «no submissions were received through this consultation mechanism.»
We have jumped through their consultation hoops and seen how they continue to make decisions in the interest of the oil industry lobby, rather than for the public interest or the safety of the people that live here.
In this way, the adoption of a law through consultation and a consensus (ijma) of the opinions of the leaders of Islam became a new source of Islamic legislation after the Prophet's death, covering all matters which were not expressly mentioned or clearly implied in either the Qur» an or the Sunnah.
Mental health professionals and other supporting personnel are learning to extend their helping abilities through consultation with all manner of persons who shape community attitudes and events.
Providing opportunities for workers to participate in and contribute to the decision - making process on health, safety and wellbeing matters in the workplace and promote a positive health, safety and wellbeing culture through consultation, co-operation and co-ordination;
Natural Parenting Center - Providing support for parents and caregivers through consultation, coaching and workshops
Upon graduation, she began working at Circle Surrogacy screening prospective gestational carrier applicants and introducing Circle's surrogacy model to prospective intended parents through consultations.
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