Sentences with phrase «through cultural values»

By disregarding native title the policy fails to understand the importance of filtering development through the cultural values and structures of the group which is the subject of this policy.
Not only does this isolate the native title process from broader policy objectives, it limits the capacity of those broader policies to filter development through the cultural values and structures of the group which is the subject of the policy.
I am a good hearted native man who is trying to better himself through cultural values.
Kalanick walked her through «the big - ball bets for the future, through the controversies, through the cultural values,» she said, adding the final meeting to get her on the board was last week.
Polke pokes fun at the notion of power through cultural value; but simultaneously imagines himself as a powdered «art drug» — the taking of which would amount to an art intervention for human consciousness.

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By thinking through small cultural confrontations, those who live abroad come to understand their values, preferences, and personalities better, and they carry this self - knowledge with them when they come home.
The tight working relationship between Shopify Labs and HR makes the cultural value of peer recognition real and vibrant through software.
Religions incorporated and codified these basic social values and skills, and quickly learned to take credit for them — as if, without the religion, we would be doomed to not have them — although we see them in every human society, including hunter - gather tribes with no sense of gods as we understand them After many centuries of religious domination, enforced through pain of death, ostracization or other social sanctions, allowing religion to take credit, as well as failing to question other religious claims — has become a cultural habit.
It is a Kingdom without borders whose values often run in direct opposition to many of our cultural values of acquisition, power, prestige, control, peace through violence or winning at any cost.
... viewing morality not simply as individual perfection but as part of a social context... tile concept of universal human values which are valid through history and across national, cultural lines respecting different political and cultural possibilities, but at the same time acknowledge some common goals.
Of course through such coexistence for long periods, there developed symbiotic interpretations of religions and cultural and social values, creating not one but several composite cultures and syncretic religious trends in different regions of the country in different periods of its history, with one or other religious value or cultural system having dominant influence.
There are cultural «repertoires of values,» says theologian Bernice Martin, which express themselves through a «hidden vocabulary» of symbols that saturate popular culture and structure its assumptions; We need, therefore, to look at
Cultural myths and values are sold to us not through recreation alone; they also are sold through information.
But it is possible to hold to different faiths and support a move towards a more or less consensus about cultural and moral values through rational dialogue among faiths, and reinforce that consensus from different faith - standpoints.
But it is possible to hold to different Faiths and support a move towards a more or less consensus about cultural and moral values through rational dialogue among Faiths, and reinforce that consensus from different faith - standpoints.
Such cultural violence may take the form of cultural deprivation through the monopoly of cultural institutions by the power elite of a given civilization, or cultural repression through the arbitrary imposition of the values and norms of the powerful.
Religions have constituted the core of the lives and communities of the people; cultures have expressed and transmitted their values, forms, styles and tastes; and civilizations have formed through the long accumulations of the peoples» religio - cultural achievements and failures.
The form of argument in this presentation has emphasized several specific points: first, that the Asian values argument, as a challenge to the implementation of constitutional democracy, is exaggerated and fails to account for the richness of values discourse in the East Asian region - local values do not provide a justification for harsh authoritarian practices; second, that the cultural prerequisites arguments fail because they ignore the discursive processes for value development and they are tautological, excessively deterministic and ignore the importance of human agency it, therefore, makes little sense to take an entry test for constitutional democracy; third, the difficulties of importing Western communitarian ideas into an East Asian authoritarian environment without adequate liberal constitutional safeguards; fourth, the positive role of constitutionalism in constructing empowering conversations in modern democratic development and as a venue for values discourse; fifth, the importance, especially in a cross-cultural context, of indigenization of constitutionalism through local institutional embodiment; and sixth, the value of extending research focused on the positive engendering or enabling function of constitutionalism to the developmental context in general and East Asia in particular.
As the reader follows the main characters through the narrative, children can note the value of self reliance, connection to family and of being part of a history — personal, familial as well as cultural.
-- Empowerment and development of inclusive national narratives — Global knowledge of cultures and histories — Cultural respect and understanding — Communication, exchange and exposure — Global citizenry through responsible media and political statements — Global values and equality — Avoidance of dehumanization of the other and abuse of knowledge — Other moral truths and views.
To some extent Smith's annunciations conform to a «blue Labour» conception of winning back traditional Labour constituencies through appeals to social conservativism and cultural and lifestyle values.
But she earned her celebrity and fortune through a pop cultural product, «Sex and the City,» that promoted a vision of New York that stands entirely in opposition to her professed values.
And just as important, says, which promotes community based tourism in a partnership with Conservation International, the communities become «aware of the commercial and social value placed on their natural and cultural heritage through tourism,» thus fostering a commitment to resource conservation.
The dating site and events make it easy to connect with date prospects and form a lasting bond through shared cultural values.
Through focus groups in China, a panel of psychologists validated the translations of questionnaires and found that cultural differences matter little when it comes to measuring personality types and values.
When you help someone improve their CQ it means that when they interact with others from different cultures, they can manage stressful or intimidating situations through their knowledge of various different cultural norms and values.
The paternalistic presumption implicit in the schools is that the poor lack the family and community support, cultural capital, and personal follow - through to live according to the middle - class values that they, too, espouse.
The values of ecosystem services that are created through REF's restoration projects include Provisioning, Regulating, Habitat and Supporting, and Cultural.
Learn to connect the dots and find new ways of problem - solving through cultural immersion, interactive workshops and a value - led community to reach new hights of creative leadership.
Students explore how people interact across cultural boundaries and the notion of citizenship, the contribution of diverse cultural influences through migration and media, and the critical role of shared beliefs and values in an evolving Australian identity.
It involves students learning to value and view critically their own cultural perspectives and practices and those of others through their interactions with people, texts and contexts across the curriculum.
By exploring their own and others» histories, values and cultural practices, and the benefits and challenges of interacting with diverse groups, students learn to see common issues through diverse cultural lenses and to practise empathy.
Through opportunities to study the lives, cultures, values and beliefs of people in different places, students learn to appreciate and interpret different perspectives and to challenge stereotypical or prejudiced representations of social and cultural groups where they exist.
Those shared values constitute a cultural outlook that research shows is often expressed through political party affiliation.
NABE aims to cultivate a multilingual multicultural society through supporting and promoting policy, programs, pedagogy, research, and professional developments that yield academic success, value native language, lead to English proficiency, and respect cultural and linguistic diversity.
Building cultural competency requires studying the traditions and values of a community, seeking to understand through authentic community engagement, intentionally building trust within a community, and considering their contributions and ideas.
The Wellbeing Alphabet supports a whole school approach to wellbeing, through Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE); Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural learning (SMSC) and British Values.
As students learn to use technology tools to build representations of a social world's characteristics, they generate reflective critical thought through their analysis and critique of the identities, relationships, and values constructed by the cultural practices and discourses in that social world.
If cultural values are handed down through generations, it's because we absorb them and act on them without question.
These are the companies within the prepared pet food industry, which devise, produce and market through efficient distribution networks food for the small pets, which have such a major economic, cultural and social value.
Through this art, interns were able to explore their cultural origins and the value that brings to their community.
Whether you join us to visit some of Austria's magical Christmas markets, journey by train through the magnificent Alps or for an unforgettable cultural experience at Vienna's annual Johann Strauss Ball, Great Rail Journeys promises you an outstanding trip and unbeatable value for money.
• Rehabilitation - Large Category This category recognizes projects that make possible the continued historic use, or a compatible new use, through repair, alterations and additions, while preserving those portions or features which convey a site or structure s historical, cultural or architectural values.
In this case it means that all game releases have to go through the Government first, if the game is too violent, has adult content or goes against Chinese cultural values then it will not be allowed to go on sale.
Working across multiple media and frequently in collaboration with artists including Paul McCarthy, Tony Oursler and Mike Smith, Kelley undermined normative values, power structures and» correct» cultural attitudes through his ritualistic performances, stuffed - animal sculptures, drawings and installations.
Their paintings create a window through which to view the personalities, fashions, and cultural values of our ancestors.
Through its collage of images, creating, according to Rosenquist, «a kind of motion in the mind», America's mainstream cultural values were being questioned by its own popular advertising imagery.
As an organization that values cultural equity, we hope through this new initiative to benefit a population of artists beyond just the sphere of higher education, a system that can suffer from homogeneity and a lack of equity.
His work reveals the concept of value as a cultural construct borne through hidden ties to morality and privilege, by exposing the cultural and social techniques employed in value construction.
Re-fabricating these sculptures explores how we value public sculpture and how this value changes over time through economic and cultural flux.
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