Sentences with phrase «through dietary sources»

So my current suggestion is to consider optimizing your sulfur intake through dietary sources.
The presence of mercury in human hair generally indicates that a person has been exposed to the metal through a dietary source.
Your body requires sulfur to manufacture glutathione, making sulfur an extremely important dietary nutrient when it comes to metal detoxification, which can be optimized through dietary sources.
Because humans do not manufacture vitamin C internally, it must be obtained through dietary sources or supplements.
All three of these vitamins and minerals can be achieved through dietary sources.
Since PBDE chemicals are stable, they tend to build up indoors and are found in house dust; humans are mainly exposed through ingestion of dust and have some exposure through dietary sources.
While electrolytes lost through sweat can typically be replaced through dietary sources, during long or intense bouts of exercise, it's a good idea to supplement losses with electrolyte - rich drinks to ensure you recover effectively.
Of course, supplements can always fill the void if you aren't getting enough omegas through dietary sources.
Furthermore, the National Cancer Institute doesn't suggest calcium supplementation as a means to alleviate cancer, however, it promotes enough calcium intake through dietary sources.
«Collectively these results suggest that clinicians, advocacy organizations and health policymakers should not recommend increasing calcium intake for fracture prevention either with calcium supplements or through dietary sources,» the authors write.
Because our bodies don't manufacture vitamin C naturally, we must consume it through dietary sources.
The major difference between people and dogs when it comes to vitamin C is that people necessarily depend on outside supplementation of vitamin C either through dietary sources (such as oranges and other fruits) or supplements.
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