Sentences with phrase «through different eyes»

We all see the world through different eyes with different sensibilities and awareness.
«When you can't fall back on the equations,... you really sort of force yourself to look at things through a different eye,» she says.
I love looking at the world through different eyes because there is always something new to observe.
I will pray that these people see the world through different eyes one day.
The France international continued, aiming a tacit dig at Chelsea, and revealing when it was he first began considering Messi through different eyes.
Some of these remain available to the big law firms, albeit that they may look at firms through different eyes (and as a result seek to negotiate a different type of employment relationship).
And maybe it's the same thing, but we all label it differently because we all speak different languages and see the world through different eyes.
«You see the world through different eyes,» Ms Holgate said of her resolve to do something one day in her sibling's honour to benefit all women.
«We are only now beginning to appreciate that male and female Heliconius see the world through different eyes,» said Briscoe.
There is always something to learn and it is wonderful to see them through different eyes.
Visits to outdoor centres often count as the most memorable in a young person's school career, providing for many their first time away from home and a chance to see the world through different eyes.
Seek out and find a mentor who helps you look at your world through different eyes.
Working puppies are expected to look at their world through different eyes than a family pet.
By browsing a travel blog about your region, you can see it through different eyes and get inspired!
Here I write about unusual journeys, thoughtful luxury and how you can see the world through different eyes.
I always thought he was a good painter, but I didn't get it until I saw it through different eyes.
As a photographer I find myself looking at the world through different eyes, similar to a view finder.
As an elementary student, I remember drawing projects from my own perspective — viewing the world through different eyes than those of my classmates.
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