Sentences with phrase «through eons»

Through the eons, the moon (and Earth) have basked in the sunshine long enough to reach a rough thermal equilibrium.
They subsisted through the eons on the rats and mice that frequented human habitation and never evolved digestively the way dogs did.
Years ago before there was me, while all that cosmic dust that would become my cells was still spinning and cycling through the eons of the universe, there was the image of a life.
During the last several centuries we have burned through eons worth of fossilized sunshine, changing the climate for our fellow species.
While Arcturus will vanish from sight in a half - million years, Vega will only grow brighter as it heads our way, keeping our descendants company through the eons.
Hirokazu Tanimoto and Masaki Sano at the University of Tokyo, Japan, studied what happens during the division of Dictyostelium — a slime mould that has barely changed through eons of evolution.
A call to return to our evolutionary roots; to get in sync with our metabolic design honed through eons of survival to optimize mental and physical health.
Recognizing behaviors as being helpful or unhelpful is ingrained in us through eons of evolutionary development.
Down through the eons of history, this approach has been our standard operating procedure.
Woe be unto you for assuming your literal interpretations hold more merit than the very nature of the universe that hashed through eons of seemingly pointless iterations to give your unique, yet ignorant, perspectives.

Not exact matches

From the late 1960s through the early»70s, the denizens of this tiny Pacific island were the wealthiest people on the planet per capita, due to the dense and valuable guano deposits left on the island by fish - eating seabirds over a period of eons.
We were hoodwinked eons ago, and it has only been through persistent, violent force that people keep indoctrinating their children with this nonsense.
If the entire universe, all that is and has been, is God's body, then God acts in and through the incredibly complex physical and historical - cultural evolutionary process that began eons ago.28 This does not mean that God is reduced to the evolutionary process, for God remains as the agent, the self, whose intentions are expressed in the universe.
Look at Bacteria, Gators, Sharks, Virus all things that have been around for eons and all have gone through evolutionary changes.
Because it absorbs sunlight better, which is required for the processing of vitamin D. Genetic differences that are advantageous to the survival of the species have a higher rate of survival and reproduction, and over eons of time, through geographic isolation and genetic draft, new species arise from the old.
But eons down the line, when I re-tell my grand - kids about the very first time my Arsenal won a quadruple, mark my words, I'll ask him to go through this piece.
Over eons, pieces of mitochondrial DNA have naturally inserted into eukaryotic genomes; at birth, for example, humans have between 755 and 1,155 germline mitochondrial DNA inserts that have been passed on through generations.
How this dynamo was initiated and how it works is mysterious, but it seems that the circulation of liquid metal through a magnetic field (which must have begun eons ago) causes a feedback loop of electricity and magnetism and unleashes a powerful electric current hundreds of miles wide.
They noticed a remarkable congruency as they moved upward through the layers of shale into the time period where animal life began, in the late Proterozoic Eon.
For the ocean floor is a record, an eons - old accumulation of whatever has sunk down through the water to the bottom of the sea.
The moon appears to be a tranquil place, but modeling done by University of New Hampshire and NASA scientists suggests that, over the eons, periodic storms of solar energetic particles may have significantly altered the properties of the soil in the moon's coldest craters through the process of sparking — a finding that could change our understanding of the evolution of planetary surfaces in the solar system.
With them it will peer through the creaking, dusty cosmic eons to study much that astronomers using Hubble and other telescopes have barely begun to glimpse: the universe's very first galaxies, nascent stars and planets in mid-creation in nebulous wombs, the atmospheres of worlds both within and beyond our solar system.
As it has been careening through space for eons, its surface is reddish, an indication that it has been exposed to high - energy cosmic rays for millions (or maybe even billions) of years.
Data from such investigations provide a unique perspective on the events in this time period, and together present a cohesive framework for examining eukaryotic and animal evolution through the Proterozoic and into the Phanerozoic Eon.
If you somehow manage through this next year without playing this homage to side scrolling shooters of eons past, you should take a moment to consider where your life went so wrong.
Fortunately, Master Eon has seen the warning signs and assembled a special team of Skylanders to pilot an unstoppable fleet of land, sea and sky vehicles with the power to travel through the reign of destruction to stop Kaos!
Using an axe to smash through ancient stone, which has stood for eons, is a little weird and used a few too many times.
It's a bird... It's a plane... Wait, it's both Mankind has long been fascinated with the idea of soaring through the sky like a bird, though oddly enough, many of the early flying contraptions were so bizarre as to seem plucked from thin air — even though nature had conquered that realm eons earlier.
The Eon 17 - S chewed through our other benchmarks like a beaver on a bender, delivering scores close to what we expect to see from high - quality desktop rigs.
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